Mailing List Archive

Re: DRBD Question
* Benedicto C Lima Jr <> [010608 20:20]:
> Hi,
> When drbd will run on kernel 2.4 ? I desperate need it. Do you have any
> beta so I can test and help ?
> Thanks in advance,
> BenJR


You are very shure that you need support for 2.4.x ?
I do not want to have 2.4.x on our database servers right now, since
2.4.5 still seems to have some troubles with the VM subsystem.

No, there is no 2.4.x code jet.
Yes, you can help by sending patches.
Yes, there will be a 2.4.x port soon. ( Probabely I will start on June 25 )
<hint, since you need it desperate>
If you think that you need it faster, then you could submit
an order to CUBiT IT Solutions :) ==> This would probabely change the
priorities on my TODO list to whatever the customer whishes :)
</hint, since you need it desperate>
