Mailing List Archive

Help on sieve script between hours

I know this is not really dbmail related, but I’d like to set an auto-reply
between hours.

I have a vacation script between dates, just don’t if it’s possible or how
to do between hours:

if anyof (header :regex "received" "(31) Jul 2014", header :regex "received"
"([ 0]1|[ 0]2|[ 0]3|[ 0]4|[ 0]5|[ 0]6|[ 0]7|[ 0]8) Aug 2014")


vacation :days 1 :addresses "" :subject
"Férias" "Estou ausente por motivo de férias de 4 a 18 de Agosto de 2014, só
regressarei no dia 19 de mesmo mês.";



How to achieve this but for hours?