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sieve vacation :addresses
Help me understand why sieve vacations do not work.

User generates this sieve script via roundcube:

require ["vacation"];
# rule:[test]
if true
vacation :days 1 :subject "boo" "i'm not here";

Which should generate a reply to each incoming message. However when I look at lmtp debug log, I see:

dbmail-lmtpd[25633]: [0x1e38200] Info:[message] sort_and_deliver(+2065): Calling for a Sieve sort
dbmail-lmtpd[25633]: [0x1e38200] Debug:[sort] sort_startup(+756): Sieve vacation enabled.
dbmail-lmtpd[25633]: [0x1e38200] Info:[sort] sort_getscript(+506): Getting default script named [sieve]
dbmail-lmtpd[25633]: [0x1e38200] Debug:[sort] sort_getenvelope(+568): from [], to [test@domain.tld]
dbmail-lmtpd[25633]: [0x1e38200] Debug:[sort] sort_getenvelope(+568): from [], to [test@domain.tld]
dbmail-lmtpd[25633]: [0x1e38200] Info:[sort] sort_process(+951): No actions taken; message must be kept.

However if user adds his email "My additional e-mail addresses" field in roundcube, resulting in this script:

require ["vacation"];
# rule:[test]
if true
vacation :days 1 :addresses "test@domain.tld" :subject "boo" "i'm not here";

Response is generated:

dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Info:[message] sort_and_deliver(+2065): Calling for a Sieve sort
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[sort] sort_startup(+756): Sieve vacation enabled.
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Info:[sort] sort_getscript(+506): Getting default script named [sieve]
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[sort] sort_getenvelope(+568): from [], to [test@domain.tld]
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[sort] sort_getenvelope(+568): from [], to [test@domain.tld]
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Info:[sort] sort_getheader(+551): Getting header [to] returning value [<test@domain.tld>]
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[message] dbmail_message_construct(+1889): from: [test@domain.tld] to: [] subject: [boo] body: [mene ni]
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[message] parse_and_escape(+2206): parsing address []
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[message] parse_and_escape(+2206): parsing address [test@domain.tld]
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Info:[message] send_mail(+2282): opening pipe to [/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -f test@domain.tld]
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[message] send_mail(+2290): pipe opened
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Debug:[message] send_mail(+2309): pipe closed
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Info:[message] send_mail(+2314): sendmail exited normally
dbmail-lmtpd[7754]: [0xe39200] Info:[sort] sort_vacation(+242): Sending vacation to [] from [test@domain.tld] handle [d0c850616e6d28c2b538e044ed38a9e2] repeat days [1]

RFC 5230 4.5 states that vacation must not reply to a msg unless
1. an email address known by the implementation to be associated with the recipient,
2. the final envelope recipient address if it's available to the implementation, or
3. an address specified by the script writer via the ":addresses" argument described in the next paragraph.

I assume #1 is true for dbmail sieve? Because #2 is true in my case as well. So why is it that only #3 is matched?

I'd like to know if this has to be fixed in dbmail sieve implementation or in the roundcube sieve filter UI.

DBMail 3.1.10, roundcube 0.8, libsieve 2.3.1


Jure Pečar
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