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Checking in on CardDAV

It has been really exciting seeing the various murmurings of in-progress development to support CardDAV in DAViCal. Last I heard you had basic support working and were trying to clean things up for a public release. Just wondering how that is coming along. Hope you are enjoying your new Android phone!

Eric Kerby

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Checking in on CardDAV [ In reply to ]
On Sun, 2010-08-08 at 16:53 -0400, Eric Kerby wrote:
> Andrew,
> It has been really exciting seeing the various murmurings of
> in-progress development to support CardDAV in DAViCal. Last I heard
> you had basic support working and were trying to clean things up for a
> public release. Just wondering how that is coming along. Hope you
> are enjoying your new Android phone!


I've done a bunch of work on CardDAV which is in HEAD at the moment and
will be in the next release. In my testing however I have been unable
to make it work reliably with either iCal4 or iPhone4 (different
strangenesses in each case).

At present it does work with with Evolution's 'WebDAV Contacts' and I'm
hoping to test it with the new Kontact support for CardDAV which is in
the works. Maybe that testing will uncover exactly what is going wrong
with iCal/iPhone, or maybe not.

I also tried using the iCal/iPhone against Kerio and Zimbra to see if it
worked there and I saw issues with that also, so maybe there are some
client-side problems also.

Now that I'm back from my trips I will be working to release a new
DAViCal with this basic support around the end of next week. What works
at that point will be what works, but maybe I'll be able to get some
more eyeballs looking at what is going wrong.

andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64(272)DEBIAN
Ships are safe in harbor, but they were never meant to stay there.

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