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Protected personal calendars and permissions confusion
Hi, all. We're about 2 weeks in to using DAViCal at our office here
(staff of 10) and we're generally really appreciating it. We have a mix
of iCal clients and Evolution clients and everything is playing nice
together for the most part.

There's one use case that I can't seem to figure out how to implement:

Allowing a user to have a personal calendar that they manage and that's
synced to the CalDav server, but that isn't available to other users.

If I add a Collection under my Principal, e.g.


and set it to have default privileges of only Free/Busy (definitely not
Read), other users on the system can still retrieve the calendar, with
event titles, etc. visible, from the server.

If I change my Principal default privileges to be only Free/Busy (and
not Read), then other users can't read the "office" calendar that I DO
want them to be able to see (e.g. /caldav.php/chris/office/), even when
I have an explicit Read grant for the all-staff Group on that "office"
collection. So I have to put my Principal default privileges back to
Read + Free/Busy, which again allows anyone to see the /chris/personal

The wiki docs (which are somewhat confusing) imply that you can have a
permissive Principal-level privilege set and then get more restrictive
by Collection or by individual grants, but that doesn't seem to work here.

Any suggestions?
