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First authentication and LDAP, users inactive by default
Hi all,

I have a DAViCal server configured to use LDAP authentication,
which works flawlessly, but I have an annoying issue with users which
log-in for the first time.

After logging in, user gets a "Please log in for access to this
system.". If he/she tries again, everything is ok.

After some debugging I found out that users get created by default
with no 'active' value, so first login is always invalid.

Is there any reason to do this that way? I have added the 'active'
attribute in drivers_ldap.php and everything works as expected. Could
this be a bug?


Jorge L?pez P?rez
xmpp:jorge at
First authentication and LDAP, users inactive by default [ In reply to ]
On Wed, 2011-05-11 at 00:47 +0200, Jorge L?pez P?rez wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a DAViCal server configured to use LDAP authentication,
> which works flawlessly, but I have an annoying issue with users which
> log-in for the first time.
> After logging in, user gets a "Please log in for access to this
> system.". If he/she tries again, everything is ok.
> After some debugging I found out that users get created by default
> with no 'active' value, so first login is always invalid.
> Is there any reason to do this that way? I have added the 'active'
> attribute in drivers_ldap.php and everything works as expected. Could
> this be a bug?

Yes, sounds like a bug to me. Can you send me your fix?

andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64(272)DEBIAN
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First authentication and LDAP, users inactive by default [ In reply to ]

El 13/05/11 01:33, Andrew McMillan escribi?:

> Yes, sounds like a bug to me. Can you send me your fix?

I have just seen that the relevant code has changed in git. I'll do
some tests to check if this issue is still there.


Jorge L?pez P?rez
xmpp:jorge at