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import from Palm Desktop 3.x
Can anyone help with some tips how to import Palm Desktop 3.x calendar (going many years in the past, which should be preserved) into DAViCal?
import from Palm Desktop 3.x [ In reply to ]
On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 16:15 +0200, Iv Ray wrote:
> Can anyone help with some tips how to import Palm Desktop 3.x calendar
> (going many years in the past, which should be preserved) into
> DAViCal?

Hi Iv,

Can you export it as some kind of nearly-VCALENDAR format? Is it
possible to import that into something like Lightning, or Evolution, and
then either re-export as a real VCALENDAR so you can upload it into
DAViCal through the web interface? Perhaps even 'sed' would be enough
to do the transformation.

Just as an aside I would recommend keeping it in an archive calendar,
rather than in the main one. Several CalDAV clients will do regular
PROPFIND requests across the whole calendar which will get slower and
more bandwidth intensive as there are more entries, even though they
don't transfer the actual calendar.

It's good to see more use of the proposed WebDAV Syncrhonisation
extension now (it's used in the latest Lightning) which reduce this
communication a lot.

andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64(272)DEBIAN
A handful of friends is worth more than a wagon of gold.