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installation on FreeBSD for a 25 people team
Hi guys,

During the last 10 years our company has used a very peculiar calendaring solution - a Palm desktop application, placed on a network server, which each of the 25 people in the team carefully opens, views/edits the calendar and closes :) Mad, I know, but somehow it works. Now I am trying to replace this with a proper calendar server with Mozilla Lightning as client.

I like DAViCal because it seems kind of mature and I am pretty fluent both in PHP and PostgreSQL, so I could help to fix/add things.

The question I have is - is DAViCal mature enough to serve as a proper calendar server to a 25 people team, at least in basic mode -

- everyone having a personal calendar which they can view/edit with Mozilla Lightning
- everyone being able to view the calendar of everyone else
- assistant mode (some people being able to view/edit the calendar of a specific person)

I am presently installing it and guess I'll see this by myself, but a short note would be appreciated as well.

All the best,