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Just found out about conserver and it seems very good - running off
8.0.0-b4 and works very well.

Can I request an optional tag be included with the server name in
unloved console output, or the time stamp info in the server log files?
The tag could be configurable, but include something like

tag "&:%:@ "

where & is the server name, % is the terminal server name and @ is the
port or device type, or something similar?

Why? Because i work in a very dynamic environment where servers are
semi-regularly moved between console servers. I currently have a script
that connects to each terminal server we have (mix of annex, jetstream
and cs9000), sends a <RETURN> to the ports and grabs the host name (or,
if the console is logged in, logs out and grabs host name, or warns if
at ok prompt, etc). When done, a lookup-table is written to ensure we
can easily get to a console without having to check the terminal servers
or machines by hand.

With conserver i can see i could do a similar type thing to
auto-discover what is on all the ports. Initially define all the ports
with names within the such as

console <term server>_<port>{
aliases <term server>_<port>_alias;
host <term server>;
port <port>;

hit each port with a script to send a <RETURN> then scan the log files
to see what names i can pick up. When all ports have been scanned,
rewrite the files and HUP conserver. However, i cannot
currently see how to associate which log file with which terminal server
and port to grab the correct host name correctly. Using an optional tag
would resolve this.


Re: Request [ In reply to ]
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 11:42:25AM +0100, duncan_j_ferguson wrote:
> Can I request an optional tag be included with the server name in
> unloved console output, or the time stamp info in the server log files?

never hurts...but i'm not sure if you need it.

> hit each port with a script to send a <RETURN> then scan the log files
> to see what names i can pick up. When all ports have been scanned,
> rewrite the files and HUP conserver. However, i cannot
> currently see how to associate which log file with which terminal server
> and port to grab the correct host name correctly. Using an optional tag
> would resolve this.

how about the 'console -i' output? that's there to give random details
in a parsable way. it shows the console name, device specification,
etc. you should be able to use that to get all the info, right?

i may be totally off on what you meant, so please correct me if i'm
wrong. it really sounds like what you'd like to do is possible.
