Mailing List Archive

conserver-8.2.5 is available

version 8.2.5 (May 1, 2020):
- support SO_PEERCRED as well as ucred (Stuart Henderson <>)
- fix TLS with LibreSSL, it doesn't have :@SECLEVEL=0 (Stuart Henderson <>)
- Handle INGSSACCEPT case when processing GSSAPI (Ryan Steinmetz <>)
- Store status_minor when calling gss_release_buffer() (Ryan Steinmetz <>)
- Add conditional for FreeBSD to use the correct structure element for address (Ryan Steinmetz <>)
- Fix #35 - check for sed inplace style
- fix host consoles in combination --with-ipv6 (Tobias Waldekranz <>)
- Fix #38 - task execution error message
- Prevent GetMaxFiles() debug output from going to forked processes

Everyone stay safe.

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