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Connection refused
I have recently configured conserver for a 6-port serial card with Netmos
9845 chipset.

Everytime I type console -u or console <hostname>, I get the following:

console: connect(): 782@console: Connection refused

Here is my config file

default full {
rw *;

default * {
logfile /var/log/conserver/&.log;
timestamp "";
type device;
baud 9600;
parity none;
master localhost;
include full;
host unused;

### set the defaults for all the consoles
# these get applied before anything else
access * {
trusted localhost;
allowed localhost;

console R1 {
device /dev/ttyS50;

console R2 {
device /dev/ttyS51;

console R3 {
device /dev/ttyS52;

console R4 {
device /dev/ttyS53;