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Sending BREAK to a Open Gear console server
I am having some trouble configuring conserver to send a BREAK to an
Open Gear console server.

The break sequence for this console server is ~b
When I am connected through conserver I can use ~b directly from my
keyboard and get the right results (the host halts - ok)

In my file I have:
break 4 { string "~b"; }

On the conserver console connection when I use ^Ecl4 it sends a '~b' but
this is not seen as a break signal by the console server, it is sent to
the port as text, (and I get a response from the host - not ok)

What am I doing wrong?

Mike Daigle \ | |
Network Operations Project Supervisor \| /\ |~ |/
Computing and Network Services | \/ | |\
Room 011 Steacie Science Library UNIVERSITY
Email: 4700 Keele St. Toronto
Phone: 736-2100 ext.22730 Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3

For thousands of years mankind lived just like the animals;
Then something happened that unleashed the power of his imagination;
He learned to talk.
-- Pink Floyd

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Re: Sending BREAK to a Open Gear console server [ In reply to ]
this is a semi-random guess, but you might want to try "~\db" as the
break sequence. suns, for example, require a bit of a delay in between
their character sequences to know that it's a human typing instead of a
computer sending data down the line (or, at least, they used to for
certain implementations) and opengear might be using a similar technique.

you can tweak the delays with the delay option in the break definition,
if the default of 250ms isn't enough. i can't imagine what else might
be going on.


On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 10:59:53AM -0500, Mike Daigle wrote:
> I am having some trouble configuring conserver to send a BREAK to an
> Open Gear console server.
> The break sequence for this console server is ~b
> When I am connected through conserver I can use ~b directly from my
> keyboard and get the right results (the host halts - ok)
> In my file I have:
> break 4 { string "~b"; }
> On the conserver console connection when I use ^Ecl4 it sends a '~b' but
> this is not seen as a break signal by the console server, it is sent to
> the port as text, (and I get a response from the host - not ok)
> What am I doing wrong?
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