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[clamav-users] Binary or static code analysis
Dear community,

I am new to ClamAV, my use case is to assess binary and/or decompiled binary in a containerized pipeline, where a stdout may deliver a summary report.

I was unable to find resources how to carry this out. For instance with the CWE Checker library, I am able to run an assessment and generate results with “cwe_checker /path/to/binary”.

Would there be any resources on how ClamAV may be utilized in this way?

Wishing you and yours health, wealth, and safety. Best regards.

- Reza Fatahi


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Re: [clamav-users] Binary or static code analysis [ In reply to ]
Hi there,

On Mon, 21 Sep 2020, Reza Fatahi wrote:

> I am new to ClamAV, my use case is to assess binary and/or
> decompiled binary in a containerized pipeline, where a stdout may
> deliver a summary report.
> I was unable to find resources how to carry this out.

You can for example run

clamscan /path/to/file

and the output will be to stdout. I don't know if this is the answer
to your question because I don't think I fully understand the question.

Please read

and if the answer to your question is not there perhaps you'll clarify
what you want ClamAV to do for you. I'm not at all sure that ClamAV
will be much help to you with decompiled binaries but if you can write
your own signatures it's possible. It depends what you're looking for.




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