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[clamav-users] How to programmatically determine if I have latest clamd software
I am building a php dashboard.

I would like to be able to ping my servers and get notified if clamd
software (not signatures) is out of date.

This is for situations where my normal update process breaks for whatever

Is there a command that will give me a yes/no answer?

If not, is there a URL I can ping to return the latest version number? Then
I can run clamscan -V and compare the two.
Re: [clamav-users] How to programmatically determine if I have latest clamd software [ In reply to ]
look in the man page for freshclam:
Execute COMMAND when freshclam reports outdated version. In the command
string %v will be replaced by the new version number.

in the config file OnOutdatedExecute

I have a script that sends me an email when freshclam sees the new version,
and it's not talking about the DB version

you will also see log lines like this even when the dbs are up todate:

Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
Local version: Recommended version: y.yyy.y

Where x is the current version and y is the newest version

A very simple way to check is: freshclam --on-outdated-execute=">&2 echo %v"
> /dev/null
which would return the new version if outdated and nothing otherwise.

My script parses the log and gets the Local version line for the email



From: clamav-users [] On Behalf
Of Cliff via clamav-users
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 5:02 PM
Subject: [clamav-users] How to programmatically determine if I have latest
clamd software

I am building a php dashboard.

I would like to be able to ping my servers and get notified if clamd
software (not signatures) is out of date.

This is for situations where my normal update process breaks for whatever

Is there a command that will give me a yes/no answer?

If not, is there a URL I can ping to return the latest version number? Then
I can run clamscan -V and compare the two.
Re: [clamav-users] How to programmatically determine if I have latest clamd software [ In reply to ]

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020, 5:02 PM Cliff via clamav-users <> wrote:

> I am building a php dashboard.
> I would like to be able to ping my servers and get notified if clamd
> software (not signatures) is out of date.
> This is for situations where my normal update process breaks for whatever
> reason.
> Is there a command that will give me a yes/no answer?
> If not, is there a URL I can ping to return the latest version number?
> Then I can run clamscan -V and compare the two.
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