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[clamav-devel] Misunderstand Clamav recursive scan
Hello. I'm using Clamav and improving Clamav
for my final exams. Actually i very need you all
help for my misunderstanding of clamscan scandir()

The matther that, in my Clamav-like application, if
it have been running until +- 5 minutes, it is going to
system hang and all process on my system become
very very slow. I think that is because the recursive
algorithm i have applied. My scanner running good with the directories
which doesn't contain a lot of other directory. But,
if i scanned /usr directory, the computer (Slackware
system) is going to down, step by step ;p

The question is, how the basic strategy of clamav
to make the recursive scanning (on Clamscan) become
fast and running without any recursive problem (like on my system)
on it.

Thanks all, i hope you can help me.
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