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Cisco TCL IVR authentication ignore on outbound calls..
Here's the function...

proc act_Authenticated { } {
global param
infotag set leg_suppress_outgoing_auto_acct 1
set ani_uniq [infotag get leg_ani]
set status [infotag get evt_status]
set roaming [infotag get aaa_roaming $ani_uniq]

aaa accounting start leg_incoming -s spectoracct

if { ($status == "au_000") || ($roaming == "match") } {
set dnis_uniq 5555555555
set did [infotag get leg_isdid]
set dnislen [string len $dnis_uniq ]

leg proceeding leg_incoming
leg connect leg_incoming
leg setup $dnis_uniq callInfo leg_incoming
fsm setstate PLACECALL

} else {
set dnis_uniq 8888888888
set did [infotag get leg_isdid]
set dnislen [string len $dnis_uniq ]

#infotag set cfg_avpair authentication disable
#That didn't work.. it's read only.
puts "TCL: failed auth"
leg proceeding leg_incoming
leg connect leg_incoming
leg setup $dnis_uniq callInfo leg_incoming
fsm setstate PLACECALL

Basically, it calls one number if it authenticates and another if it fails.

The problem is that, when it fails.. I get this from
"debug voip ivr callsetup"

*Dec 8 17:09:32.243: Destination SetupPeer cid(593499),
destPat(8888888888), match(0), prefix(), peer(63EAA418)
*Dec 8 17:09:32.243: //-1//PCM :HN88B47DDC:/DNSettlementMatrixCheck:
retcode=2 cid(593499) trans=0x0, provider=0 User is not authenticated
and not roaming
*Dec 8 17:09:32.243: //-1//PCM :HN88B47DDC:/DNInitiate:
DestinationSetupPeer Failed.

So can anyone tell me how to short circuit the Settlement Matrix Check,
or hardwire up the roaming/authenticated valued?

Kyle Stone