Mailing List Archive

Announcing 5.90070 release to CPAN
Hi everyone!

Yesterday I cut the 5.90070 version of catalyst and send it along to CPAN.  Since it seems to be stable after 24 hours I am officially announcing that it is ready for you to download and start using.

I've also blogged about some of the changes:

Catalyst 5.90070 has Landed! - Modern Perl

Catalyst 5.90070 has Landed! - Modern Perl
Morning Catalyst Programmers and Users! I'm pleased to announced that the current development branch of Catalyst has been deemed stable and ready for use. This re...
View on jjnapiorkowski.typepa... Preview by Yahoo

As a side note, I've been getting various reports of issues with Unicode.  I'm not a unicode foomaster and could really use someone who is to help poke / prod the code a bit and help me get it figured out.  Just give me a shout.
