Mailing List Archive

Summary of Wed Dev catchup
Hey All,

Since they jury is still a bit out on killing the list or not, here's a quick summary of things discussed yesterday:

- We talked about getting more examples of using Catalyst in public places.  We thought to create a namespace on the new github org "CatalystX::Example" which would eventually be a sort of template people coould use for creating examples, and we'd encourage people to put them there.  Examples need to be as much, if not more, about documentation, over code.

- I said I'd reach out to the blogger who did "" and ask him if we could get him to be the first CX:Example.  I did so yesterday and got a receptive reply.  I hope all of you follow his efforts and offer thoughts or improvements.

- t0m offered to help me figure out how to do async / websocket style updates on a basic TODO app if I did the basic App first

We still need to catchup on BreadBoard, andrewalker had to step out, but the next thought there was to figure out the lamest bits of backcompat that makes doing BB hard and we can discuss if doing a release without that is possible.
