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Ready to Release? Some thoughts on how to decide if we are done
Hey All,

As you know there is a TRIAL release of Catalyst floating around with some significant updates.  We'd like to determine if this is shipworthy and I think as a group we should set some guidelines for shipworthy such as to help people down the road continue to make the Catalyst platform grow.  Here's my proposal:

A TRIAL release requires the follow measurable metrics to be considered ship worthy state.

  -- Should be able to work with a know set of existing Catalyst dists on CPAN ( Gitalist, Catalyst-Action-REST, Catalyst-Devel, Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema)

   ^^ This is just my personal list, I'd love to get feedback, or we could also just say "All things on CPAN that depend on Catalyst that work with the last three stable versions of Catalyst"  <== Should be straightforward to script but maybe overkill.

  -- Should accumulate ~150 test results on CPAN Testers and we want to see solid passes on all the most popular platforms, and no fails that relate to our code.  I think it would be fair to say we support at least the newest version of each distribution from our dependency chain, with older versions supported as possible, and patches very welcomed from companies with specific needs.  The same thing goes for Perl versions I would suggest.

Of course should an emergency arise, those with community trust and comaint should be able to release new code to fix critical errors, such as amazing security problems, or issues with the build that cause Catalyst to not install.  Hopefully we won't have lots of those!

I'd love to hear from you all on this, since I think it would be wise if we as a community could find a way to lift some of the grunt work off the shoulders of the heavy contributors so they can continue to think deep thoughts and we can do the housekeeping work.

Given the above, the current trial version is looking good, but needs a few more days of baking to accumulate more test results in some of the less popular (but important) OS/Perl version combos.  My guess would be we could release it this week should the current trend continue.


John Napiorkowski