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[Bricolage-General] Further along with Bricolage (still not there)
I'm now using:
Bricolage 1.5.0

A separate copy of Apache httpd with _everything_ staticly linked
ps shows:
/usr/local/apache/bin/bric_httpd -f /usr/local/bricolage/conf/httpd

httpd settings incude:
Listen 8080 # regular" Apache on Port 80

When I enter the URL "" into my Browser (Safari on
Mac OS X) I see the login screen, briefly. This then disappears (:-( and is
replaced by a screen that says

Welcome to .

Please click here to start.

"here" is a link. There are some colored bands. At this point the URL shows:

Clicking on "here" pops up another window which briefly shows the login form
again, then almost immediately repaints itself as a copy of the "Please click
here..." page. Rinse, repeat.

I tried also with IE 5.2.2. I don't think I actually saw the initial login
screen. That was replaced very quickly by something similar to the "Welcome"
screen seen in Safari Except with the addition of an olive margin bar, about
1.5" wide and running down the length of the window.

In IE, however, clicking on "Please click here to start" pops up a second
window with a login form. It still says "Welcome to ." But I do eventually
get the login form.

It seems to me that I should not see the flicker of login screen followed by
"Please click here" in either browser. And also that the string "Welcome to
." is missing something :/

Any ideas? So _close_... and yet so far...
- Vicki

Vicki Brown ZZZ Journeyman Sourceror:
P.O. Box 1269 zz |\ _,,,---,,_ Scripts & Philtres
San Bruno, CA zz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ Perl, Unix, MacOS
94066 USA |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_)

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