Mailing List Archive

Bric::Soap::Story list_ids - Limit

I'd be very grateful if anyone could spend a couple of minutes
revisiting this thread:

Is there any way to call the list_ids method (Bric::SOAP::Story) and
pass a Limit\Offset parameter with the request?

I noticed that these parameters were documented on older versions of the
CMS (, for instance - I'm
currently using v2.0.1). The current documentation does not contemplate
these options, so I'm assuming that they were deliberately removed.

Could someone confirm me that what I'm trying to do isn't possible? Or
should something like this work (it currently returns all the stories
that belong to the site):

./bric_soap --server 'http://xxx/soap/' story list_ids --search
"Limit=5" --search "site=My Site"

Thanks in advance for the help!

Re: Bric::Soap::Story list_ids - Limit [ In reply to ]
On Nov 29, 2012, at 6:17 AM, Diogo Osório <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd be very grateful if anyone could spend a couple of minutes revisiting this thread:
> Is there any way to call the list_ids method (Bric::SOAP::Story) and pass a Limit\Offset parameter with the request?

Hrm. I still see them in the code…

> I noticed that these parameters were documented on older versions of the CMS (, for instance - I'm currently using v2.0.1). The current documentation does not contemplate these options, so I'm assuming that they were deliberately removed.

The docs were removed in this commit:

So I'm not sure if they work or not. Don't see why not.

Could someone with a running Bricolage instance with stories try it, please?

> Could someone confirm me that what I'm trying to do isn't possible? Or should something like this work (it currently returns all the stories that belong to the site):
> ./bric_soap --server 'http://xxx/soap/' story list_ids --search "Limit=5" --search "site=My Site"

That looks right. If it doesn't work for you, though, then it probably doesn't work.

