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Can I change the URI of an existing category?

We have a category called 'Resistance', with URI /themes/politics/resistance/ . We want to rename this to 'Activism'. I can change the URL via Admin>Publishing>Categories but how can I change the URI?

As background info, the only story for which this is the primary category - and thus the only story whose URL would need to change - is a cover page. Ottherwise it's used as a secondary category for stories, and so doesn't affect the URL of these stories.

Re: Can I change the URI of an existing category? [ In reply to ]
On May 3, 2012, at 8:43 AM, Tom Ash wrote:

> We have a category called 'Resistance', with URI /themes/politics/resistance/ . We want to rename this to 'Activism'. I can change the URL via Admin>Publishing>Categories but how can I change the URI?

You have to create a new category. You can deactivate this one. This way, your existing stories keep their existing URL, and new ones get the new category URL.

> As background info, the only story for which this is the primary category - and thus the only story whose URL would need to change - is a cover page. Ottherwise it's used as a secondary category for stories, and so doesn't affect the URL of these stories.

Simplest thing to do is to clone that story into the new category, then delete it and keep the clone, then delete the old category.

