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[Bricolage-General] Cloning
Hi All,

I've started work on this to do item:

* Add "Clone Asset" button to Media and Story profiles (I think that
the API and maybe even the callbacks are already done).

Actually, the API is only available for stories at the moment, but
that's where it really matters. I've been thinking about the interface
for this feature, and could use some feedback and/or suggestions. But
first I offer some of the reasons it's needed; so if you're already
convinced of the necessity, skip a couple of paragraphs to see my UI
ideas, for which I need the feedback.

The reason for this feature is to allow a certain amount of flexibility
to story editors. The two scenarios I'm familiar with are as follows:

* An editor has created a cover page for a section of her site and
published it. She'd like to start working on a new version for next
week, but she'd also like to be able to make changes to the existing
cover and republish it, for when she notices a misspelled word, for
example. So what she can do is clone the cover, and change the cloned
copy for next week. If she needs to make a change, she can recall the
existing cover, make the change, and republish it -- all without losing
her work on next week's cover. When next weeks cover is published (next
week), she can then clone *it* and start working on the following
week's cover. Previous copies of the cover could even be archived
somewhere by changing their URIs and republishing them. I know that
this *could* be done solely using version rollbacks, but that's really
a PITA. A simpler solution is needed for this type of situation.

* An organization has several departments using the same Bricolage
instance. They want to be able to share content, but not have one
department change the content of another department's stories. So when
Marketing decides it would like to take content from the R&D department
and repurpose it to their own nefarious ends, the R&D department can
clone the story and give the cloned copy to Marketing. That way,
Marketing can screw up the story any way they like, while R&D still has
its pristine copy.

Not convinced? well, that's another discussion. It turns out that as a
feature it's pretty simple to add. I'm just trying to decide what it
should look like, in the hopes of coming up with an optimal solution,
from a usability point of view.

I see two variations on how to implement it. The first is adding a
"Clone" button to the story profile. But what happens when it's
clicked? Is the old story checked in to a desk and the cloned story
checked out to you? Are they both still checked out to you? If the
original story was retrieved from the library (rather than from a
desk), should it be re-shelved?

The other option is to have a "Clone" checkbox in the "Find Stories"
list and a "Clone" link on un-checked out stories on desks. In that
case, I imagine that the story would be cloned and the new copy checked
out to you. The old copy would stay wherever it was.

Anyway, opinions? Where would you like to see this feature, and how
would you like it to behave?

TIA for the suggestions!



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory ICQ: 15726394 Yahoo!: dew7e

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