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Google Summer of Code: Mentors Needed. Deadline is tomorrow.
Hi ho,

I'm going to get underway with Bricolage's GSOC 2009 application. One
of the first orders of business, along with project ideas, is mentors.
I have no idea how much (or little) work being a mentor is: but -- if
you think of it like being a "big brother" -- it will surely have some
karmic payoff. And, hey!, it helps the Bricolage project out.

Here's what the GSOC site has to say:

"11. How much time is required to participate as a mentor in Google
Summer of Code?
While the answer to this question will vary widely depending on the
number of students a mentor works with, the difficulty of the
proposals and the skill level of the students, most mentors have let
us know that they underestimated the amount of time they would need to
invest in GSoC. Five hours per student per week is a reasonable
estimate. "

So, can you let me know by the end of the week (tomorrow) if you're
able and willing to have your name on the application? If so, I'll
need your Google (Gmail?) account information.

Remember: Google will provide a stipend of 5000 USD per accepted
student developer, of which 4500 USD goes to the student and 500 USD
goes to the mentoring organization. This is a *great* opportunity to
bring some new / fresh energy into the Bricolage community and for
them to focus on Bricolage exclusively for the summer.

Not to put the pressure on or anything, but -- cough -- Alex /
Gossamer Threads? Brett or Greg / Pectopah? Matt / Denison? Charlie or
Adam / New Internationalist? Paul or Simon / Digital Craftsmen?
Chris / PCC? Steffen / Guido / Brad
Harder? (Apologies to those whose arm I'm forgetting to twist!)

This is our year folks: Bricolage 2.0 on the horizon. :-)

Let me know by end of day tomorrow, if you would. Applications are due
next week.


Phillip Smith // Simplifier of Technology // COMMUNITY BANDWIDTH //
Re: Google Summer of Code: Mentors Needed. Deadline is tomorrow. [ In reply to ]
Just a quick follow-up to note that we currently have the following
mentors that I'll be submitting with our GSOC application this week:

Greg Heo - SOAP or AJAX/Prototype/Scriptaculous projects
Matt Rolf - General support
Alex Krohn - General support
Darren Duncan - port Bricolage to run over the Muldis Rosetta ORDBMS

David Wheeler will be our backup project administrator and general

I'm aiming to send out a draft projects list this afternoon (fingers
crossed). If anyone else is interested in mentoring, please do let me


On 5-Mar-09, at 1:25 PM, Phillip Smith wrote:

> Hi ho,
> I'm going to get underway with Bricolage's GSOC 2009 application.
> One of the first orders of business, along with project ideas, is
> mentors. I have no idea how much (or little) work being a mentor is:
> but -- if you think of it like being a "big brother" -- it will
> surely have some karmic payoff. And, hey!, it helps the Bricolage
> project out.
> Here's what the GSOC site has to say:
> "11. How much time is required to participate as a mentor in Google
> Summer of Code?
> While the answer to this question will vary widely depending on the
> number of students a mentor works with, the difficulty of the
> proposals and the skill level of the students, most mentors have let
> us know that they underestimated the amount of time they would need
> to invest in GSoC. Five hours per student per week is a reasonable
> estimate. "
> So, can you let me know by the end of the week (tomorrow) if you're
> able and willing to have your name on the application? If so, I'll
> need your Google (Gmail?) account information.
> Remember: Google will provide a stipend of 5000 USD per accepted
> student developer, of which 4500 USD goes to the student and 500 USD
> goes to the mentoring organization. This is a *great* opportunity to
> bring some new / fresh energy into the Bricolage community and for
> them to focus on Bricolage exclusively for the summer.
> Not to put the pressure on or anything, but -- cough -- Alex /
> Gossamer Threads? Brett or Greg / Pectopah? Matt / Denison? Charlie
> or Adam / New Internationalist? Paul or Simon / Digital Craftsmen?
> Chris / PCC? Steffen / Guido / Brad
> Harder? (Apologies to those whose arm I'm forgetting to twist!)
> This is our year folks: Bricolage 2.0 on the horizon. :-)
> Let me know by end of day tomorrow, if you would. Applications are
> due next week.
> Phillip.
> --
> Phillip Smith // Simplifier of Technology // COMMUNITY
> //

Phillip Smith // Simplifier of Technology // COMMUNITY BANDWIDTH //
Re: Google Summer of Code: Mentors Needed. Deadline is tomorrow. [ In reply to ]
On Mar 10, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Phillip Smith wrote:

> Just a quick follow-up to note that we currently have the following
> mentors that I'll be submitting with our GSOC application this week:
> Greg Heo - SOAP or AJAX/Prototype/Scriptaculous projects
> Matt Rolf - General support
> Alex Krohn - General support
> Darren Duncan - port Bricolage to run over the Muldis Rosetta ORDBMS
> framework
> David Wheeler will be our backup project administrator and general
> whip-cracker.

I can be a mentor, too, especially for database-related projects.

> I'm aiming to send out a draft projects list this afternoon (fingers
> crossed). If anyone else is interested in mentoring, please do let
> me know.

Thanks Phillip!
