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[Bricolage #281] Deleting an OC then clicking the note icon results in unexpected UI behavior
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Michael Herring updated this ticket at August 24th, 2011 @ 12:43 PM

Once you delete an output channel from a story clicking the note icon does not yield the expected behavior. Notes are not shown. To make matters worse clicking any button will then trigger the notes to appear even if you choose "Check In and Revert" for example.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Check out a story
2. Determine the number of OC's
a. if there is only one add a second OC
3. Delete one of the OC's
4. Click the note icon in the upper right (notes will NOT appear)
5. Click a button (notes will appear and supersede the selected action)

Assigned: Bugs (at bricolage)
State: new
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