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[Bricolage #278] Users with EDIT permission able to delete checked-out assets
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Nick Legg updated this ticket at August 2nd, 2011 @ 08:18 PM

A user with EDIT permissions on a Desk is able to delete assets on that Desk. While this is expected behavior, this unfortunately includes the ability to delete assets that other users have checked out. I would rather not allow this to happen - it makes sense for those with higher permissions (e.g. Administrators) to be able to delete checked-out assets, but I don't think "peer" content editors should be able to delete stuff* from each other's Workspaces as it can easily cause work to be lost.

*It effectively cancels the other user's checkout, since the user who triggered the delete can then reactivate the deleted asset and check it out for themselves.

Assigned: Bugs (at bricolage)
State: new
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