Mailing List Archive

Speaking of backend servers...
I'd really like to use boa as an image server but can't because I
couldn't plug it into mod_backhand. I heard recently that there were plans
to put backhand into a standalone server. Has there been any work on this
to date? I haven't heard of anything so far.


Plug for boa: single process + single threaded = fast. For static
files this is my preferred web server of choice (yeah, I know about khttpd
and phttpd, but this is pretty tried and true) and I'd love to be able to
use it in the rotation again.

Sean Chittenden
Speaking of backend servers... [ In reply to ]
Sean Chittenden wrote:
> I'd really like to use boa as an image server but can't because I
> couldn't plug it into mod_backhand. I heard recently that there were plans
> to put backhand into a standalone server. Has there been any work on this
> to date? I haven't heard of anything so far.

Well, I like thttpd, so we all have our motiviation for this.. no? :)

I am working on this now... Taking as much of the source as possible
from the mod_backhand sources as possible (actually #include
"platform.c") so once architecture support for X is added to
mod_backhand it will be in this standalone server as well.

The seond part (that will be implemented later) is the API so that other
programs can *See* this info. The most important thing is the
broadcasting... It is almost done. I am just working on handling
sending packets to multiple IP multicast addresses with different TTL's.

It will be IN the mod_backhand source under a directory called mbcast
(that is what I have named the program). As soon as something compiles
and runs here, I will commit it to CVS for everyone to plan with.

They idea is that you can just run it as:

It will collect info on this machine and broadast ti to all of the
addresses specified advertising itself as HOSTNAME at IP:PORT (-i -p)..
I will probably add a conf file at some point and it is already smart
(trying to figure out its hostname and IP)....

Should be ready any day now.

Theo Schlossnagle
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