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DSO Candidacy functions under Solaris 2.6
I'm having problems with the BackhandFromSO directive under Solaris 2.6.
Basically, I have this block in my config file:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /array/www_apps/cgi-bin/
<Directory /array/www_apps/cgi-bin>
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Backhand byAge 3
Backhand byRandom
# BackhandFromSO new/libexec/ byHostname ftp

With the "BackhandFromSO" line commented out, it works fine. I start up
the server and the backhand status page works fine, and /cgi-bin/
works as well. But if I turn on that line, when I start the server,
mod_backhand does not come on at all. Even the message in the error log
just says "Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) configured" instead of "Apache/1.3.12
(Unix) balanced_by_mod_backhand/1.0.8". All by just changing that one

And even more interesting is that the "ScriptAlias" directive seems to
be hosed by the BackhandFromSO directive as well. Uncommenting the
BackhandFromSO line above causes the request for /cgi-bin/ to
give a 404, with "File does not exist: /array/www_docs/cgi-bin/"
in the error log. The ScriptAlias and Directory blocks above are
supposed to map /cgi-bin/ to /array/www_apps/cgi-bin, not

Significant versions are:

Solaris 2.6 on Sparc hardware
Apache 1.3.12
mod_backhand 1.0.8
gcc 2.95.2

Any ideas?

Mike Cramer
(703) 739-5019