Mailing List Archive

new home for lists.
Apologies in advance for any duplicates.... and please, if you choose to
respond to this message, do *not* respond to all, just to me.

The mail for addresses has been moved to a new machine, and
with it to a new mailing list manager, ezmlm (ta ta majordumbo). To
get the list of administrative commands available, please send an email to

where "list" is the list you're subscribed to.

Also, the lists "new-httpd", "apache-cvs", "modperl-cvs" now have digests.
The "modperl-digest" list is intact.

Let me know if you see any problems.

Re: new home for lists. [ In reply to ]
>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Behlendorf <> writes:

Brian> Someone asked about what headers to use for filtering. The
Brian> "Mailing-List" header is guaranteed to be there and correspond
Brian> to the exact list you're interested in,

Actualy, I find that this procmail recipe is best:

# New Apache Lists
* ^^From [^@]+-return[^@]*@apache\.org
* ^list-post: <mailto:\/[^>]+

Make the end of the regexp mailto:\/[^@]+
to leave off the, of course.

(I like to use the full posting address so I can remember how to post
to each list....)

James H. Cloos, Jr. <URL:> 1024D/ED7DAEA6
<> E9E9 F828 61A4 6EA9 0F2B 63E7 997A 9F17 ED7D AEA6
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