Mailing List Archive

Re: Apache - mod_cgi_redirect bugfix
Found in c.i.w.s.u. Sent a request for it to be uploaded to

In comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix, (Dave Andersen)

> There's a new bugfix version of the cgi-redirect module I wrote. It
>fixes a stupid error when people attempt to access a file which does not
>have a predefined mime-type which was causing a sigsegv to occur. My
>apologies if it caused anyone any inconvenience (I hadn't received any
>bug reports about it, so it doesn't sound too bad. :) the latest version is
>available from

> I'm still working on a few requests to have it handle query strings
>properly. That should be out fairly soon. In the interim, anyone who
>uses the cgi-redirect module really should upgrade.

> -Dave Andersen

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