Mailing List Archive

Stuff in my sandbox...
I'm now running a candidate 0.8.9 build with the following fixes; it's
available in if anyone else wants
to give it a whirl. At least one of the bugs fixed here is a genuine
show-stopper; I just want to be sure that the fixes don't break
anything else before distributing it (a mistake I made with a
showstopper xplay bug, and fortunately caught very quickly, but not an
experience I'd like to repeat...). I'd particularly like for someone
who uses dbm auth to give it a try, to make sure that the fix I sent
out earlier doesn't screw anything up. Hopefully, I got all the
credits right...

Changes with Apache 0.8.9

*) Compiles with -DMAXIMUM_DNS ---- ooops! [Henrik Mortensen]

*) Give Redirect priority over Alias, for NCSA bug compatibility
[David Robinson]

*) Check if scoreboard file couldn't be opened, and say so, rather
then going insane [David Robinson]

*) Correctly set PATH_TRANSLATED in all cases from <!--#exec cmd=""-->,
paralleling earlier bug fix for CGI [David Robinson]

*) If DBM auth is improperly configured, report a server error and don't
dump core.

*) Deleted FCNTL_SERIALIZED_ACCEPTS from conf.h entry for A/UX;
it seems to work well enough without it (even in a 10 hits/sec
workout), and the overhead for the locking under A/UX is
alarmingly high (though it is very low on other systems).
[Eric Hagberg]

*) Fixed portability problems with mod_cookies.c [Cliff Skolnick]

*) More improvements to default Configuration for A/UX [Jim Jaglieski]