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cvs commit: apache-1.3/htdocs/manual new_features_1_3.html
brian 98/05/11 22:08:42

Modified: htdocs/manual new_features_1_3.html
Major rewrite. Reorganized layout into sections. Cleaned up, standardized
HTML to make it more readable for those who edit.

Revision Changes Path
1.59 +486 -563 apache-1.3/htdocs/manual/new_features_1_3.html

Index: new_features_1_3.html
RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache-1.3/htdocs/manual/new_features_1_3.html,v
retrieving revision 1.58
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -r1.58 -r1.59
--- new_features_1_3.html 1998/05/11 20:08:03 1.58
+++ new_features_1_3.html 1998/05/12 05:08:42 1.59
@@ -4,17 +4,11 @@

<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF"
+ VLINK="#000080" ALINK="#FF0000">
<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Overview of new features</H1>
+<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Overview of New Features in Apache 1.3</H1>

-<H2>New Features with Apache 1.3</H2>
<P>New features with this release, as extensions of the Apache
functionality. Because the core code has changed so
significantly, there are certain liberties that earlier versions of
@@ -22,394 +16,350 @@
pickier about - please check the
<A HREF="misc/compat_notes.html">compatibility notes</A> if you have any
<P>If you're upgrading from Apache 1.2, you may wish to read
-the <A HREF="upgrading_to_1_3.html">upgrade notes</A>.</P>
+the <A HREF="upgrading_to_1_3.html">upgrade notes</A>.

-<P>In addition to a number of bug fixes and internal performance
-enhancements, <A HREF="">Apache
-1.3</A> has the following specific new user features:</P>
+<P>Enhancements: <A HREF="#core">Core</A> |
+<A HREF="#perf">Performance</A> |
+<A HREF="#config">Configuration</A> |
+<A HREF="#mod">Modules</A> |
+<A HREF="#api">API</A> |
+<A HREF="#misc">Misc</A>
+<A NAME="core">
+<H2>Core Enhancements:</H2>
+<DT><B><A HREF="sharedobjects.html">Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) support</A></B>
+<DD>Apache modules may now be loaded at runtime; this means that
+ modules can be loaded into the server process space only when
+ necessary, thus overall memory usage by Apache will be
+ significantly reduced. DSO works on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris,
+ SunOS, IRIX, OSF1, UnixWare, and AIX.
+<DT><B><A HREF="windows.html">Support for Windows NT/95</A></B>
+<DD>Apache now experimentally supports the Windows NT and Windows 95
+ operating systems.
+<DT><B><A HREF="sourcereorg.html">Re-organised
+ Sources</A></B>
+<DD>The source files for Apache have been re-organised. The main
+ difference for Apache users is that the "Module" lines in
+ <CODE>Configuration</CODE> have been replaced with "AddModule"
+ with a slightly different syntax. For module authors there are
+ some changes designed to make it easier for users to add their
+ module.
+<DT><B>Reliable Piped Logs</B>
+<DD>On almost all Unix architectures Apache now implements "reliable"
+ piped logs in <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html">mod_log_config</A>. Where reliable
+ means that if the logging child dies for whatever reason, Apache
+ will recover and respawn it without having to restart the entire
+ server. Furthermore if the logging child becomes "stuck" and
+ isn't reading its pipe frequently enough Apache will also restart
+ it. This opens up more opportunities for log rotation, hit
+ filtering, real-time splitting of multiple vhosts into separate
+ logs, and asynchronous DNS resolving on the fly.
+<A NAME="performance">
+<H2>Performance Improvements</H2>

- <LI><A
- HREF="mod/mod_speling.html"
- ><STRONG>Optional &laquo;Spelling Correction&raquo; module added to distribution</STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- This optional module corrects frequently occurring spelling errors in
- document names requested from the server. This includes the correction
- of miscapitalized requests (as was available in a separately available
- <EM>mod_speling</EM> module as of Apache 1.1 already) but extends
- spelling correction to single inserted, omitted, transposed or
- mistyped characters. This catches the majority of mistyped requests.
- To make use of this module, it must be enabled in the server's
- <CODE>Configuration</CODE> file, and the
- <A HREF="mod/mod_speling.html#checkspelling"><SAMP>CheckSpelling</SAMP></A>
- directive must be set to <CODE>on</CODE>.
- </LI>
- <LI><A
- HREF="mod/mod_setenvif.html"
- ><STRONG>Enhanced Conditional Setting of Environment Variables</STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- The
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_setenvif.html#BrowserMatch"
- ><SAMP>BrowserMatch*</SAMP></A>
- directives of Apache 1.2 have been joined by some more powerful
- brethren:
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_setenvif.html#SetEnvIf"
- ><SAMP>SetEnvIf</SAMP></A>
- and
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_setenvif.html#SetEnvIfNoCase"
- ><SAMP>SetEnvIfNoCase</SAMP></A>. These allow you to set environment
- variables for server and CGI use based upon all <EM>sorts</EM> of
- attributes of the request.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>Easier navigation in ftp server directory trees</STRONG>
- <BR>
- When accessing ftp servers using mod_proxy and the ftp method, the
- generated directory listings now allow easier navigation. The full
- directory path as shown in the header line now consists of a list of
- clickable links which directly jump to the selected subdirectory level.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>Better Logging for Proxy Connect Errors</STRONG>
- <BR>
- In Apache 1.2 and earlier, when the proxy had difficulty connecting to
- a system it would log the error but no details. It now includes the
- IP address and port to which it couldn't connect.
- </LI>
- <LI><A
- HREF="mod/mod_include.html#flowctrl"
- ><STRONG>Enhanced SSI String Comparisons</STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- The string-based server-side include (SSI) flow-control directives
- provided by
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_include.html"
- ><SAMP>mod_include</SAMP></A>
- now include comparison for less-than (&lt;), less-than-or-equal
- (&lt;=), greater-than (&gt;), and greater-than-or-equal (&gt;=).
- Previously comparisons could only be made for equality or inequality.
- </LI>
- HREF="sourcereorg.html"
- ><STRONG>Re-organised Sources</STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- The source files for Apache have been re-organised. The main difference
- for Apache users is that the "Module" lines in <CODE>Configuration</CODE>
- have been replaced with "AddModule" with a slightly different syntax.
- For module authors there are some changes designed to make it
- easier for users to add their module.
- HREF="install.html#install"
- ><STRONG>Default Apache directory path changed to <SAMP>/usr/local/apache/</SAMP></STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- The default directory for the apache ServerRoot changed from the NCSA-compatible
- <SAMP>/usr/local/etc/httpd/</SAMP> to <SAMP>/usr/local/apache/</SAMP>.
- This change covers only the default setting (and the documentation); it
- is of course possible to override it using the <A HREF="invoking.html">
- -d <EM>ServerRoot</EM> and -f <EM>httpd.conf</EM></A> switches when starting apache.
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html"
- ><STRONG>Sortable Directory Listings</STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- If a directory listing is displayed using
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexoptions"
- ><SAMP>FancyIndexing</SAMP></A>,
- clicking on a column title will now sort the listing in
- order by the values in that column. Selecting the column
- repeatedly will toggle between ascending and descending order.
- This feature can be disabled with the <SAMP>SuppressColumnSorting</SAMP>
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexoptions"
- >IndexOptions</A>
- keyword.
+ <LI>IP-based virtual hosts are looked up via hash table.
+ <LI>&lt;Directory&gt; parsing speedups.
+ <LI>The critical path for static requests has fewer system calls.
+ This generally helps all requests. (45 syscalls for a static
+ request in 1.2 versus 22 in 1.3 in a well tuned
+ configuration).
+ <LI><A HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#proxyreceivebuffersize">
+ <CODE>ProxyReceiveBufferSize</CODE></A> directive gives
+ <CODE>mod_proxy</CODE>'s outgoing connections larger network
+ buffers, for increased throughput.
+ <LI>The low level I/O routines use <CODE>writev</CODE> (where
+ available) to issue multiple writes with a single system call.
+ They also avoid copying memory into buffers as much as
+ possible. The result is less CPU time spent on transferring
+ large files.
+ <LI>Static requests are served using <CODE>mmap</CODE>, which
+ means bytes are only copied from the disk buffer to the
+ network buffer directly by the kernel. The program never
+ copies bytes around, which reduces CPU time. (Only where
+ available/tested.)
+ <LI>When presented with a load spike, the server quickly adapts by
+ spawning children at faster rates.
+ <LI>The code which dispatches modules was optimized to avoid
+ repeatedly skipping over modules that don't implement certain
+ phases of the API. (This skipping showed up as 5% of the cpu
+ time on profiles of a server with the default module mix.)
+ <LI>Revamp of the Unix scoreboard management code so that less
+ time is spent counting children in various states. Previously
+ a scan was performed for each hit, now it is performed only
+ once per second. This should be noticeable on servers running
+ with hundreds of children and high loads.
+ <LI>New serialization choices improve performance on Linux, and
+ <LI><CODE><A
+ HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html">mod_log_config</A></CODE> can
+ be compile-time configured to buffer writes.
+ <LI>Replaced <CODE>strncpy()</CODE> with
+ <CODE>ap_cpystrn()</CODE>, a routine which doesn't have to
+ zero-fill the entire result. This has dramatic effects on
+ <CODE>mod_include</CODE> speed.
+ <LI>Additions to the internal "table" API (used for keeping lists
+ of key/value string pairs) provide for up to 20% performance
+ improvement in many situations.
+<P>See <A HREF="misc/perf-tuning.html">the new performance
+documentation</A> for more information.
+<A NAME="config">
+<H2>Configuration Enhancements</H2>
+<DT><B>Apache Autoconf-style Interface (APACI)</B>
+<DD>Until Apache 1.3 there was no real out-of-the-box batch-capable
+ build and installation procedure for the complete Apache
+ package. This is now provided by a top-level
+ <CODE>configure</CODE> script and a corresponding top-level
+ <CODE>Makefile.tmpl</CODE> file. The goal is to provide a GNU
+ Autoconf-style frontend which is capable to both drive the old
+ <CODE>src/Configure</CODE> stuff in batch and additionally
+ installs the package with a GNU-conforming directory layout. Any
+ options from the old configuration scheme are available plus a lot
+ of new options for flexibly customizing Apache.
+<DT><B>APache eXtenSion (APXS) support tool</B>
+<DD>Now that Apache provides full support for loading modules under
+ runtime from dynamic shared object (DSO) files, a new support tool
+ <CODE>apxs</CODE> was created which provides off-source building,
+ installing and activating of those DSO-based modules. It
+ completely hides the platform-dependend DSO-build commands from
+ the user and provides an easy way to build modules outside the
+ Apache source tree. To achieve this APACI installs the Apache C
+ header files together with the <CODE>apxs</CODE> tool.
+<DT><A HREF="install.html#install"><B>Default Apache directory
+ path changed to <CODE>/usr/local/apache/</CODE></B></A><BR>
+<DD>The default directory for the apache ServerRoot changed from the
+ NCSA-compatible <CODE>/usr/local/etc/httpd/</CODE> to
+ <CODE>/usr/local/apache/</CODE>. This change covers only the
+ default setting (and the documentation); it is of course possible
+ to override it using the <A HREF="invoking.html"> -d
+ <EM>ServerRoot</EM> and -f <EM>httpd.conf</EM></A> switches when
+ starting apache.
+<DT><B>Improved HTTP/1.1-style Virtual Hosts</B>
+<DD>The new <A
+ HREF="mod/core.html#namevirtualhost"><CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE></A>
+ directive is used to list IP address:port pairs on which
+ HTTP/1.1-style virtual hosting occurs. This is vhosting based on
+ the <CODE>Host:</CODE> header from the client. Previously this
+ address was implicitly the same as the "main address" of the
+ machine, and this caused no end of problems for users, and was not
+ powerful enough. Please see the <A
+ HREF="vhosts/index.html">Apache Virtual Host documentation</A> for
+ further details on configuration.
+<DT><B><CODE>Include</CODE> directive</B>
+<DD>The <A HREF="mod/core.html#include" ><CODE>Include</CODE></A>
+ directive includes other config files immediately at that point in
+ parsing.
+<DT><B>-S command line option for debugging vhost setup</B>
+<DD>If Apache is invoked with the <CODE>-S</CODE> command line option
+ it will dump out information regarding how it parsed the
+ <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> sections. This is useful for folks
+ trying to debug their virtual host configuration.
+<A NAME="mod">
+<H3>Module Enhancements</H3>
+<DT><A HREF="mod/mod_speling.html"><B>NEW - Spelling correction
+ module</B></A><BR>
+<DD>This optional module corrects frequently occurring spelling and
+ capitalization errors in document names requested from the server.
+<DT><A HREF="mod/mod_setenvif.html"><B>NEW - Conditional setting of
+ environment variables</B></A><BR>
+<DD>The addition of
+ <A HREF="mod/mod_setenvif.html#SetEnvIf">
+ <CODE>SetEnvIf</CODE></A> and
+ <A HREF="mod/mod_setenvif.html#SetEnvIfNoCase">
+ <CODE>SetEnvIfNoCase</CODE></A>. These allow you to set
+ environment variables for server and CGI use based upon attributes
+ of the request.
+<DT><B><A HREF="mod/mod_mime_magic.html">NEW - "Magic" MIME-typing</A></B>
+<DD>The optional <CODE>mod_mime_magic</CODE> has been
+ added. It uses "magic numbers" and other hints from a file's
+ contents to figure out what the contents are. It then uses this
+ information to set the file's media type, if it cannot be
+ determined by the file's extension.
+<DT><B><A HREF="mod/mod_unique_id.html">NEW - Unique Request
+ Identifiers</A></B>
+<DD><A HREF="mod/mod_unique_id.html">mod_unique_id</A> can be included
+ to generate a unique identifier that distinguishes a hit from
+ every other hit. ("Unique" has some restrictions on it.) The
+ identifier is available in the environment variable
+<DT><B>mod_proxy enhancements:</B>
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexoptions"
- ><STRONG><SAMP>SuppressHTMLPreamble</SAMP> Option for
- FancyIndexed Directories</STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- If a directory is marked for display with FancyIndexing, the listing
- page usually follows a predefined format using server-generated HTML.
- <STRONG>If</STRONG> the <SAMP>IndexOptions</SAMP> directive for the directory
- includes the <SAMP>SuppressHTMLPreamble</SAMP> option,
- <STRONG>and</STRONG> a file specified by the
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html#headername"
- ><SAMP>HeaderName</SAMP></A>
- directive is found in the directory, <STRONG>and</STRONG> the header
- file is recognized as containing HTML (determined by the file
- extension), <STRONG>then</STRONG> the module will assume that the
- header file contains the necessary introductory HTML tags and will not
- generate them itself.
-<LI><STRONG>Less Buffering of CGI Script Output</STRONG>
- <BR>
- In previous versions of Apache, the output from CGI scripts would be
- internally buffered by the server, and wouldn't be forwarded to the
- client until either the buffers were full or the CGI script completed.
- As of Apache 1.3, the buffer to the client is flushed any time it
- contains something and the server is waiting for more information from
- the script. This allows CGI script to provide partial status reports
- during long processing operations.
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="windows.html">Support for Windows NT/95</A></STRONG><BR>
-Apache now supports the Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems,
-as well as the Unix systems supported in previous releases. Although the
-Windows version of Apache may not be perform as well as on the Unix
-systems for which Apache was originally written, the ability to run on
-Windows gives Apache the ability to run on a large number of web
-servers it was not previously able to.
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="ebcdic.html">Port to EBCDIC mainframe machine running BS2000/OSD</A></STRONG><BR>
-As a premiere, this version of Apache comes with a beta version of a port
-to a mainframe machine which uses the EBCDIC character set as its native
-codeset (It is the SIEMENS NIXDORF family of mainframes running the
-BS2000/OSD operating system on a IBM/390 compatible processor
-This mainframe OS nowadays features a SVR4-like POSIX subsystem).<BR>
-Provisions to convert between EBCDIC documents and the ASCII encoded
-HTTP protocol have been integrated into Apache, and most of
-the provided Apache modules have been ported to this platform.
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html">Regular Expression support for
-<SAMP>Alias</SAMP> and <SAMP>Redirect</SAMP></A></STRONG>
-New <A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html#aliasmatch"><SAMP>AliasMatch</SAMP></A>,
-<A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html#scriptaliasmatch"
-><SAMP>ScriptAliasMatch</SAMP></A>, and
-<A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html#redirectmatch"><SAMP>RedirectMatch</SAMP></A>
-directives allow for the use of regular expression matching.
-Additionally, new
-<A HREF="mod/core.html#directorymatch"><SAMP>&lt;DirectoryMatch&gt;</SAMP></A>,
-<A HREF="mod/core.html#locationmatch"><SAMP>&lt;LocationMatch&gt;</SAMP></A>,
-<A HREF="mod/core.html#filesmatch"><SAMP>&lt;FilesMatch&gt;</SAMP></A>
-sections provide a new syntax for regular expression sectioning.
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="mod/mod_mime_magic.html">New "Magic" MIME-typing
- module</A></STRONG><BR>
- A new module, the optional <CODE>mod_mime_magic</CODE>, has been
- added. It uses "magic numbers" and other hints from a file's contents
- to figure out what the contents are. It then uses this information to
- set the file's media type, if it cannot be determined by the file's
- extension.
-<LI><STRONG>Directory indexing modules split</STRONG><BR>
- The <CODE>mod_dir</CODE> module has been split in two, with
- <A HREF="mod/mod_dir.html">mod_dir</A> handling directory index
- files, and <A HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html">mod_autoindex</A>
- creating directory listings. Thus allowing folks to remove
- the indexing function from critical servers.
+ HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#noproxy"><CODE>NoProxy</CODE></A> and <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#proxydomain"><CODE>ProxyDomain</CODE></A>
+ directives added to proxy, useful for intranets.
+<LI>New <CODE><A HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypassreverse">
+ ProxyPassReverse</A></CODE> directive. It lets Apache adjust the
+ URL in the <TT>Location</TT> header on HTTP redirect
+ responses.
+<LI>Easier navigation in ftp server directory trees.

- <LI><STRONG>Support for Directory Icon Sizing</STRONG>
- <BR>
- The
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html"
- ><SAMP>mod_autoindex</SAMP></A>
- module provides listings of directory contents when appropriate. If
- the <SAMP>FancyIndexing</SAMP> option is enabled, each file in the
- list is preceded by an icon representing the content type. In earlier
- versions of Apache, the HTML <SAMP>IMG</SAMP> tags for these icons
- weren't sized, so the browser had to wait until the images were loaded
- before it could lay out the page. With 1.3, the
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexoptions"
- ><SAMP>IndexOptions</SAMP></A>
- directive has two new keywords which allow you to control whether
- pre-sized <SAMP>IMG</SAMP> tags are used. This can substantially
- speed up the display of large directory listings.
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="mod/core.html#accessfilename"><SAMP>AccessFileName</SAMP>
-The <SAMP>AccessFileName</SAMP> directive can now take more than one
-filename. This lets sites serving pages from network file systems and
-more than one Apache web server, configure access based on the server
-through which shared pages are being served.
-<LI><STRONG><SAMP>HostNameLookups</SAMP> now defaults to "Off"</STRONG><BR>
- The <A
- HREF="mod/core.html#hostnamelookups"><SAMP>HostNameLookups</SAMP></A>
- directive now defaults to "Off". This means that, unless explicitly
- turned on, the server will not resolve IP addresses into names. This
- was done to spare the Internet from unnecessary DNS traffic.
+<DT><A HREF="mod/mod_include.html#flowctrl"><B>Enhanced
+ <CODE>mod_include</CODE> string comparisons</B></A><BR>
+<DD>The string-based server-side include (SSI) flow-control directives
+ now include comparison for less-than (&lt;), less-than-or-equal
+ (&lt;=), greater-than (&gt;), and greater-than-or-equal (&gt;=).
+ Previously comparisons could only be made for equality or
+ inequality.
+<DT><B>ServerRoot relative auth filenames</B>
+<DD>Auth filenames for the various authentication modules are now
+ treated as relative to the ServerRoot if they are not full paths.

-<LI><STRONG>Double-Reverse DNS enforced</STRONG><BR>
- The
- <A HREF="mod/core.html#hostnamelookups"><SAMP>HostnameLookups</SAMP></A>
- directive
- now supports double-reverse DNS. (Known as <EM>PARANOID</EM> in the
- terminology of tcp_wrappers.) An IP address passes a double-reverse
- DNS test if the forward map of the reverse map includes the original
- IP. Regardless of the HostnameLookups setting,
- <A HREF="mod/mod_access.html">mod_access</A> access lists using DNS
- names <STRONG>require</STRONG> all names to pass a double-reverse DNS test.
- (Prior versions of Apache required a compile-time switch to enable
- double-reverse DNS.)
-<LI><STRONG>CIDR and Netmask access control</STRONG><BR>
- <A HREF="mod/mod_access.html">mod_access</A> directives now support
- CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) style prefixes, and netmasks for
- greater control over IP access lists.
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#noproxy"><SAMP>NoProxy</SAMP></A>
-and <A HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#proxydomain"><SAMP>ProxyDomain</SAMP></A>
-directives added to proxy, useful for intranets.</STRONG>
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="mod/mod_info.html#addmoduleinfo"
-directive added to <A HREF="mod/mod_info.html">mod_info</A></STRONG><BR>
-Allows additional information to be listed along with a specified module.
-<LI><STRONG>Experimental module to load modules at runtime on Unix</STRONG><BR>
- The new module <SAMP><A HREF="mod/mod_so.html">mod_so</A></SAMP>
- enables the addition of modules when Apache is started, rather
- than requiring a recompilation. This is currently experimental,
- and replaces the old <SAMP>mod_dld</SAMP> module.
-<LI><STRONG>Performance Improvements</STRONG>
- <UL>
- <LI>IP-based virtual hosts are looked up via hash table,
- giving a performance boost on servers with large numbers of vhosts.
- <LI>&lt;Directory&gt; parsing of requests has been vastly improved, giving
- speedups on configs with a lot of sections.
- <LI>The critical path for static requests has fewer system calls. This
- generally helps all requests. (45 syscalls for a static request
- in 1.2 versus 22 in 1.3 in a well tuned configuration).
- <LI><A HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#proxyreceivebuffersize"
- ><SAMP>ProxyReceiveBufferSize</SAMP></A>
- directive gives <CODE>mod_proxy</CODE>'s outgoing connections
- larger network buffers, for increased throughput.
- <LI>The low level I/O routines use <CODE>writev</CODE> (where available)
- to issue multiple writes with a single system call. They also avoid
- copying memory into buffers as much as possible. The result is
- less CPU time spent on transferring large files.
- <LI>Static requests are served using
- <CODE>mmap</CODE>, which means bytes are only copied from the
- disk buffer to the network buffer directly by the kernel. The
- program never copies bytes around, which reduces CPU time.
- (Only where available/tested.)
- <LI>When presented with a load spike, the server quickly adapts by
- spawning children at faster rates.
- <LI>The code which dispatches modules was optimized to avoid repeatedly
- skipping over modules that don't implement certain phases of the
- API. (This skipping showed up as 5% of the cpu time on profiles of
- a server with the default module mix.)
- <LI>Revamp of the Unix scoreboard management code so that less time is
- spent counting children in various states. Previously a scan was
- performed for each hit, now it is performed only once per second.
- This should be noticeable on servers running with hundreds of
- children and high loads.
- <LI>New serialization choices improve performance on Linux, and IRIX.
- <LI><CODE><A HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html">mod_log_config</A></CODE>
- can be compile-time configured to buffer writes.
- <LI>Replaced <CODE>strncpy()</CODE> with <CODE>ap_cpystrn()</CODE>, a
- routine which doesn't have to zero-fill the entire result. This
- has dramatic effects on <CODE>mod_include</CODE> speed.
- <LI>Additions to the internal "table" API (used for keeping lists of
- key/value string pairs) provide for up to 20% performance
- improvement in many situations.
- </UL>
- <P>See <A HREF="misc/perf-tuning.html">the new performance
- documentation</A> for more information.
-<LI><STRONG>Unique Identifiers</STRONG><BR>
- <A HREF="mod/mod_unique_id.html">mod_unique_id</A> can be included
- to generate a unique identifier that distinguishes a hit from every
- other hit. ("Unique" has some restrictions on it.) The identifier
- is available in the environment variable <CODE>UNIQUE_ID</CODE>.
-<LI><STRONG>Reliable Piped Logs</STRONG><BR>
- On almost all Unix architectures Apache now implements "reliable"
- piped logs in <A HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html">mod_log_config</A>.
- Where reliable means that if the logging child dies for whatever
- reason, Apache will recover and respawn it without having to restart
- the entire server. Furthermore if the logging child becomes "stuck"
- and isn't reading its pipe frequently enough Apache will also restart
- it. This opens up more opportunities for log rotation, hit filtering,
- real-time splitting of multiple vhosts into separate logs, and
- asynchronous DNS resolving on the fly.
-<LI><STRONG>LogLevel and syslog support</STRONG><BR>
- Apache now has <A HREF="mod/core.html#loglevel">configurable error
- logging levels</A> and supports <A HREF="mod/core.html#errorlog">error
- logging via syslogd(8)</A>.
-<LI><STRONG>ServerRoot relative auth filenames</STRONG><BR>
- Auth filenames for the various authentication modules are now treated
- as relative to the ServerRoot if they are not full paths.
-<LI><STRONG><SAMP>Include</SAMP> directive</STRONG><BR>
- The
- <A
- HREF="mod/core.html#include"
- ><SAMP>Include</SAMP></A>
- directive includes other config files immediately at that
- point in parsing.
-<LI><STRONG>Absence of any <SAMP>TransferLog</SAMP> disables logging</STRONG>
- <BR>
- If no <A HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html#transferlog"
- ><SAMP>TransferLog</SAMP></A>
- directive is given then no log is written. This supports co-existence
- with other logging modules.
-<LI><STRONG>Ability to name logging formats</STRONG>
- <BR>
- The
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html#logformat"
- ><SAMP>LogFormat</SAMP></A>
- directive has been enhanced to allow you to give nicknames to
- specific logging formats. You can then use these nicknames in other
- <SAMP>LogFormat</SAMP>
- and
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html#customlog"
- ><SAMP>CustomLog</SAMP></A>
- directives, rather than having to spell out the complete log format
- string each time.
-<LI><STRONG>mod_cern_meta configurable per-directory</STRONG><BR>
- <A HREF="mod/mod_cern_meta.html">mod_cern_meta</A> is now configurable
- on a per-directory basis.
-<LI><STRONG>Detaching from stdin/out/err</STRONG><BR>
- On boot Apache will now detach from stdin, stdout, and stderr. It
- does not detach from stderr until it has successfully read the config
- files. So you will see errors in the config file. This should make
- it easier to start Apache via rsh or crontab.
-<LI><STRONG>Improved HTTP/1.1-style Virtual Hosts</STRONG><BR>
- The new
- <A HREF="mod/core.html#namevirtualhost"><SAMP>NameVirtualHost</SAMP></A>
- directive is used to list IP address:port
- pairs on which HTTP/1.1-style virtual hosting occurs. This is
- vhosting based on the <CODE>Host:</CODE> header from the client.
- Previously this address was implicitly the same as the "main address"
- of the machine, and this caused no end of problems for users, and
- was not powerful enough.
- Please see the <A HREF="vhosts/index.html">Apache Virtual Host
- documentation</A> for further details on configuration.
+<DT><A HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html"><B>Enhancements to directory indexing:</B></A>

- For all those module writers and code hackers:
+<LI><B>Code split:</B>The <CODE>mod_dir</CODE> module has been split in two, with <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_dir.html">mod_dir</A> handling directory index
+ files, and <A HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html">mod_autoindex</A>
+ creating directory listings. Thus allowing folks to remove the
+ indexing function from critical servers.

- <UL>
- <LI><STRONG><CODE>child_init</CODE> function for module API</STRONG><BR>
- A new phase for Apache's API is called once per "heavy-weight process,"
+<LI><B>Sortable:</B> Clicking on a column title will now sort the
+ listing in order by the values in that column. This feature can
+ be disabled using the <CODE>SuppressColumnSorting</CODE> <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexoptions">IndexOptions</A>
+ keyword.
+<LI><A HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexoptions">
+ <CODE><B>SuppressHTMLPreamble</B></CODE></A> can be used if your
+ README.html file includes its own HTML header.
+<LI><B><CODE>IconHeight</CODE> and <CODE>IconWidth</CODE></B> let you set
+ height and width attributes to the <CODE>&lt;IMG&gt;</CODE> tag in
+ directory listings.
+<DT><B>Less Buffering of CGI Script Output</B>
+<DD>In previous versions of Apache, the output from CGI scripts would
+ be internally buffered by the server, and wouldn't be forwarded to
+ the client until either the buffers were full or the CGI script
+ completed. As of Apache 1.3, the buffer to the client is flushed
+ any time it contains something and the server is waiting for more
+ information from the script. This allows CGI script to provide
+ partial status reports during long processing operations.
+<DT><B><A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html">Regular Expression support for
+ <CODE>Alias</CODE> and <CODE>Redirect</CODE></A></B>
+<DD>New <A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html#aliasmatch"><CODE>AliasMatch</CODE></A>,
+ <A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html#scriptaliasmatch"><CODE>ScriptAliasMatch</CODE></A>, and
+ <A HREF="mod/mod_alias.html#redirectmatch"><CODE>RedirectMatch</CODE></A>
+ directives allow for the use of regular expression matching.
+ Additionally, new
+ <A HREF="mod/core.html#directorymatch"><CODE>&lt;DirectoryMatch&gt;</CODE></A>,
+ <A HREF="mod/core.html#locationmatch"><CODE>&lt;LocationMatch&gt;</CODE></A>,
+ and
+ <A HREF="mod/core.html#filesmatch"><CODE>&lt;FilesMatch&gt;</CODE></A>
+ sections provide a new syntax for regular expression sectioning.
+ HREF="mod/mod_info.html#addmoduleinfo"><CODE>AddModuleInfo</CODE></A>
+ directive added to <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_info.html">mod_info</A></B>
+<DD>Allows additional information to be listed along with a specified
+ module.
+<DT><B>Absence of any <CODE>TransferLog</CODE> disables
+ logging</B>
+<DD>If no <A HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html#transferlog"
+ ><CODE>TransferLog</CODE></A> directive is given then no log is
+ written. This supports co-existence with other logging modules.
+<DT><B>Ability to name logging formats</B>
+<DD>The <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html#logformat"><CODE>LogFormat</CODE></A>
+ directive has been enhanced to allow you to give nicknames to
+ specific logging formats. You can then use these nicknames in
+ other <CODE>LogFormat</CODE> and <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_log_config.html#customlog"
+ ><CODE>CustomLog</CODE></A> directives, rather than having to
+ spell out the complete log format string each time.
+<DT><B>mod_cern_meta configurable per-directory</B>
+<DD><A HREF="mod/mod_cern_meta.html">mod_cern_meta</A> is now
+ configurable on a per-directory basis.
+<DT><B>New map types for
+ <A HREF="mod/mod_rewrite.html#RewriteMap"><CODE>RewriteMap</CODE></A>
+ directive</B>
+<DD>The new map types `Randomized Plain Text' and `Internal Function'
+ were added to the <CODE>RewriteMap</CODE> directive of
+ mod_rewrite. They provide two new features: First, you now can
+ randomly choose a sub-value from a value which was looked-up in a
+ rewriting map (which is useful when choosing between backend
+ servers in a Reverse Proxy situation). Second, you now can
+ translate URL parts to fixed (upper or lower) case (which is
+ useful when doing mass virtual hosting by the help of
+ mod_rewrite).
+<DT><B>CIDR and Netmask access control</B>
+<DD><A HREF="mod/mod_access.html">mod_access</A> directives now
+ support CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) style prefixes, and
+ netmasks for greater control over IP access lists.
+<A NAME="api">
+<H3>API Additions</H3>
+<P>For all those module writers and code hackers:
+<DD>A new phase for Apache's API is called once per "heavy-weight process,"
before any requests are handled. This allows the module to set up
anything that need to be done once per processes. For example,
connections to databases.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>child_exit</CODE> function for module API</STRONG><BR>
- A new phase called once per "heavy-weight process," when it is
+<DD>A new phase called once per "heavy-weight process," when it is
terminating. Note that it can't be called in some fatal cases (such
as segfaults and kill -9). The <CODE>child_init</CODE> and
<CODE>child_exit</CODE> functions are passed a pool whose lifetime is
@@ -418,30 +368,27 @@
the module <CODE>init</CODE> function is passed a pool whose lifetime
ends when the parent exits or restarts.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>child_terminate</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- Used in the child to indicate the child should exit after finishing
+<DD>Used in the child to indicate the child should exit after finishing
the current request.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>register_other_child</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- See <CODE>http_main.h</CODE>. This is used in the parent to register
+<DD>See <CODE>http_main.h</CODE>. This is used in the parent to register
a child for monitoring. The parent will report status to a supplied
callback function. This allows modules to create their own children
which are monitored along with the httpd children.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>piped_log</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- See <CODE>http_log.h</CODE>. This API provides the common code for
+<DD>See <CODE>http_log.h</CODE>. This API provides the common code for
implementing piped logs. In particular it implements a reliable piped
log on architectures supporting it (<EM>i.e.</EM>, Unix at the moment).
- <LI><STRONG>MD5 functions renamed <CODE>ap_*</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- MD5 functions renamed to avoid conflicts with other libraries.

- <LI><STRONG>scoreboard format changed</STRONG><BR>
- The scoreboard format is quite different. It is considered a
+<DT><B>scoreboard format changed</B>
+<DD>The scoreboard format is quite different. It is considered a
"private" interface in general, so it's only mentioned here as an FYI.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>set_last_modified</CODE> split into three</STRONG><BR>
- The old function <CODE>set_last_modified</CODE> performed multiple
+<DT><B><CODE>set_last_modified</CODE> split into three</B>
+<DD>The old function <CODE>set_last_modified</CODE> performed multiple
jobs including the setting of the <CODE>Last-Modified</CODE> header, the
<CODE>ETag</CODE> header, and processing conditional requests (such as
IMS). These functions have been split into three functions:
@@ -450,36 +397,36 @@
added to <CODE>request_rec</CODE> to facilitate

- <LI><STRONG>New error logging function: <CODE>aplog_error</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- All old logging functions are deprecated, we are in the process of
- replacing them with a single function called <CODE>aplog_error</CODE>.
+<DT><B>New error logging function: <CODE>ap_log_error</CODE></B>
+<DD>All old logging functions are deprecated, we are in the process of
+ replacing them with a single function called <CODE>ap_log_error</CODE>.
This is still a work in progress.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>set_file_slot</CODE> for config parsing</STRONG><BR>
- The <CODE>set_file_slot</CODE> routine provides a standard routine that
+<DT><B><CODE>set_file_slot</CODE> for config parsing</B>
+<DD>The <CODE>set_file_slot</CODE> routine provides a standard routine that
prepends ServerRoot to non-absolute paths.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>post_read_request</CODE> module API</STRONG><BR>
- This request phase occurs immediately after reading the request (headers),
+<DT><B><CODE>post_read_request</CODE> module API</B>
+<DD>This request phase occurs immediately after reading the request (headers),
and immediately after creating an internal redirect. It is most useful
for setting environment variables to affect future phases.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>psocket</CODE>, and <CODE>popendir</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- The <CODE>psocket</CODE> and <CODE>pclosesocket</CODE> functions allow
+<DT><B><CODE>psocket</CODE>, and <CODE>popendir</CODE></B>
+<DD>The <CODE>psocket</CODE> and <CODE>pclosesocket</CODE> functions allow
for race-condition free socket creation with resource tracking.
Similarly <CODE>popendir</CODE> and <CODE>pclosedir</CODE> protect
directory reading.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>is_initial_req</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- Test if the request is the initial request (<EM>i.e.</EM>, the one
+<DD>Test if the request is the initial request (<EM>i.e.</EM>, the one
coming from the client).

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>kill_only_once</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- An option to <CODE>spawn_child</CODE> functions which prevents Apache
+<DD>An option to <CODE>spawn_child</CODE> functions which prevents Apache
from aggressively trying to kill off the child.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>alloc debugging code</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- Defining <CODE>ALLOC_DEBUG</CODE> provides a rudimentary memory
+<DT><B><CODE>alloc debugging code</CODE></B>
+<DD>Defining <CODE>ALLOC_DEBUG</CODE> provides a rudimentary memory
debugger which can be used on live servers with low impact --
it sets all allocated and freed memory bytes to 0xa5. Defining
<CODE>ALLOC_USE_MALLOC</CODE> will cause the alloc code to use
@@ -488,170 +435,146 @@
such as Electric Fence and Purify. See <CODE>main/alloc.c</CODE>
for more details.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>ap_cpystrn</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- The new <CODE>strncpy</CODE> "lookalike", with slightly different
+<DD>The new <CODE>strncpy</CODE> "lookalike", with slightly different
semantics is much faster than <CODE>strncpy</CODE> because it
doesn't have to zero-fill the entire buffer.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>table_addn</CODE>, <CODE>table_setn</CODE>,
- <CODE>table_mergen</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- These new functions do <STRONG>not</STRONG> call <CODE>pstrdup</CODE>
+<DT><B><CODE>table_addn</CODE>, <CODE>table_setn</CODE>,
+ <CODE>table_mergen</CODE></B>
+<DD>These new functions do <B>not</B> call <CODE>pstrdup</CODE>
on their arguments. This provides for big speedups. There is
also some debugging support to ensure code uses them properly.
See <CODE>src/CHANGES</CODE> for more information.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>construct_url</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- The function prototype for this changed from taking a
+<DD>The function prototype for this changed from taking a
<CODE>server_rec *</CODE> to taking a <CODE>request_rec *</CODE>.

- <LI><STRONG><CODE>get_server_name</CODE>, <CODE>get_server_port</CODE></STRONG><BR>
- These are wrappers which deal with the
+<DT><B><CODE>get_server_name</CODE>, <CODE>get_server_port</CODE></B>
+<DD>These are wrappers which deal with the
<A HREF="mod/core.html#usecanonicalname">UseCanonicalName</A> directive
when retrieving the server name and port for a request.

- </UL>

- <LI><STRONG>Year-2000 Improvements</STRONG>
- <BR>
- The default <SAMP>timefmt</SAMP> string used by
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_include.html"
- ><SAMP>mod_include</SAMP></A>
- has been modified to display the year using four digits rather than the
- two-digit format used previously. The
- <A
- HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html"
- ><SAMP>mod_autoindex</SAMP></A>
- module has also been modified to display years using four digits in
- FancyIndexed directory listings.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG><SAMP>ap_*()</SAMP> Routines Moving to a Separate Library</STRONG>
- <BR>
- There are a number of functions and routines that have been developed
- for the Apache project that supplement or supersede library routines
- that differ from one operating system to another. While most of these
- are used only by the Apache server itself, some are referenced by
- supporting applications (such as <SAMP>htdigest</SAMP>), and these
- other applications would fail to build because the routines were built
- only into the server. These routines are now being migrated to a
- separate subdirectory and library so they can be used by other
- applications than just the server.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>New <SAMP><A HREF="mod/core.html#serversignature">ServerSignature</A></SAMP> directive</STRONG>
- <BR>
- This directive optionally adds a line containing the server version and
- virtual host name to server-generated pages (error documents, ftp
- directory listings, mod_info output etc.). This makes it easier for users
- to tell which server produced the error message, especially in a proxy
- chain (often found in intranet environments).
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>New <SAMP><A HREF="mod/core.html#usecanonicalname">UseCanonicalName</A></SAMP> directive</STRONG>
- <BR>
- This directive gives control over how Apache creates self-referential URLs.
- Previously Apache would always use the <A HREF="mod/core.html#servername">
- ServerName</A> and <A HREF="mod/core.html#port">Port</A> directives to
- construct a "canonical" name for the server. With <SAMP>UseCanonicalName
- off</SAMP> Apache will use the hostname and port supplied by the client,
- if available.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>New <SAMP><A HREF="mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypassreverse">ProxyPassReverse</A></SAMP> directive</STRONG>
- <BR>
- This directive was added in addition to the <SAMP>ProxyPass</SAMP>
- directive. It lets Apache adjust the URL in the <TT>Location</TT> header on
- HTTP redirect responses. For instance this is essential when Apache is used
- as a reverse proxy to avoid by-passing the reverse proxy because of HTTP
- redirects on the backend servers which stay behind the reverse proxy.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>New map types for
- <A HREF="mod/mod_rewrite.html#RewriteMap"><SAMP>RewriteMap</SAMP></A>
- directive</STRONG>
- <BR>
- The new map types `Randomized Plain Text' and `Internal Function' were added
- to the <SAMP>RewriteMap</SAMP> directive of mod_rewrite. They provide two
- new features: First, you now can randomly choose a sub-value from a value
- which was looked-up in a rewriting map (which is useful when choosing
- between backend servers in a Reverse Proxy situation). Second, you now can
- translate URL parts to fixed (upper or lower) case (which is useful when
- doing mass virtual hosting by the help of mod_rewrite).
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG><SAMP>SERVER_VERSION</SAMP> definition abstracted, and
- server build date added</STRONG>
- <BR>
- In earlier versions, the Apache server version was available to modules
- through the <SAMP>#define</SAMP>d value for <SAMP>SERVER_VERSION</SAMP>.
- In order to keep this value consistent when modules and the core server
- are compiled at different times, this information is now available
- through the core API routine
- <CODE>const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*apapi_get_server_version()</CODE>. The use of
- the <SAMP>SERVER_VERSION</SAMP> symbol is deprecated and anti-recommended.
- In addition, a related datum is now available through the use of the
- API routine <CODE>const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*apapi_get_server_built()</CODE>,
- which returns a string representing the time the core server was linked.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>Apache Autoconf-style Interface (APACI)</STRONG>
- <BR>
- Until Apache 1.3 there was no real out-of-the-box batch-capable build and
- installation procedure for the complete Apache package. This is now provided
- by a top-level <CODE>configure</CODE> script and a corresponding top-level
- <CODE>Makefile.tmpl</CODE> file. The goal is to provide a GNU Autoconf-style
- frontend which is capable to both drive the old <CODE>src/Configure</CODE>
- stuff in batch and additionally installs the package with a GNU-conforming
- directory layout. Any options from the old configuration scheme are
- available plus a lot of new options for flexibly customizing Apache.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) support</STRONG>
- <BR>
- The support for loading Apache modules under runtime from DSO files was
- greatly enhanced: First, <CODE>mod_so</CODE> was cleaned up and the
- <CODE>src/Configure</CODE> script was extended to setup the totally
- platform-dependend commands to build DSO files on all major Unix platforms
- which support the pragmatic <CODE>dlopen()</CODE> interface (Linux, FreeBSD,
- Solaris, SunOS, IRIX, OSF1, UnixWare). The two popular platforms HP/UX and
- AIX are not supported because they both use a very special proprietary
- interface. Second the modules <CODE>mod_proxy</CODE> and
- <CODE>mod_mime</CODE> were unbundled to be able to use them independend from
- each other. Finally the Makefile generation stuff in
- <CODE>src/Configure</CODE> was overhauled to support building shared objects
- as clean as building static objects. Additionally the new APACI (see below)
- provides a powerful mechanism for out-of-the-box enabling, building,
- installing and activating those DSO-based modules.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>APache eXtenSion (APXS) support tool</STRONG>
- <BR>
- Now that Apache provides full support for loading modules under runtime from
- dynamic shared object (DSO) files, a new support tool <CODE>apxs</CODE> was
- created which provides off-source building, installing and activating of
- those DSO-based modules. It completely hides the platform-dependend
- DSO-build commands from the user and provides an easy way to build modules
- outside the Apache source tree. To achieve this APACI installs the Apache C
- header files together with the <CODE>apxs</CODE> tool.
- </LI>
- <li><strong>-S command line option for debugging vhost setup</strong>
- <br>
- If Apache is invoked with the <code>-S</code> command line option it will
- dump out information regarding how it parsed the <code>VirtualHost</code>
- sections. This is useful for folks trying to debug their virtual host
- configuration.
- </li>
- <LI><A
- HREF="mod/core.html#servertokens"
- ><STRONG>Including the operating system in the server
- identity</STRONG></A>
- <BR>
- A new directive, <SAMP>ServerTokens</SAMP>, allows the Webmaster
- to change the value of the <SAMP>Server</SAMP> response header
- field which is sent back to clients. The <SAMP>ServerTokens</SAMP>
- directive controls whether the server will include a non-specific
- note in the server identity about the type of operating system on
- which the server is running as well as included module information.
- As of Apache 1.3, this additional information is included by default.
- </LI>
+<A NAME="misc">
+<H3>Miscellanous Enhancements</H3>
+<DT><B><A HREF="ebcdic.html">Port to EBCDIC mainframe machine
+ running BS2000/OSD</A></B>
+<DD>As a premiere, this version of Apache comes with a beta version of
+ a port to a mainframe machine which uses the EBCDIC character set
+ as its native codeset (It is the SIEMENS NIXDORF family of
+ mainframes running the BS2000/OSD operating system on a IBM/390
+ compatible processor This mainframe OS nowadays features a
+ SVR4-like POSIX subsystem).
+<DT><B><A HREF="mod/core.html#accessfilename"><CODE>AccessFileName</CODE>
+ Enhancement</A></B>
+<DD>The <CODE>AccessFileName</CODE> directive can now take more than
+ one filename. This lets sites serving pages from network file
+ systems and more than one Apache web server, configure access
+ based on the server through which shared pages are being served.
+<DT><B><CODE>HostNameLookups</CODE> now defaults to "Off"</B>
+<DD>The <A
+ HREF="mod/core.html#hostnamelookups"><CODE>HostNameLookups</CODE></A>
+ directive now defaults to "Off". This means that, unless explicitly
+ turned on, the server will not resolve IP addresses into names. This
+ was done to spare the Internet from unnecessary DNS traffic.
+<DT><B>Double-Reverse DNS enforced</B>
+<DD>The <A
+ HREF="mod/core.html#hostnamelookups"><CODE>HostnameLookups</CODE></A>
+ directive now supports double-reverse DNS. (Known as
+ <EM>PARANOID</EM> in the terminology of tcp_wrappers.) An IP
+ address passes a double-reverse DNS test if the forward map of the
+ reverse map includes the original IP. Regardless of the
+ HostnameLookups setting, <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_access.html">mod_access</A> access lists using DNS
+ names <B>require</B> all names to pass a double-reverse
+ DNS test. (Prior versions of Apache required a compile-time
+ switch to enable double-reverse DNS.)
+<DT><B>LogLevel and syslog support</B>
+<DD>Apache now has <A HREF="mod/core.html#loglevel">configurable error
+ logging levels</A> and supports <A
+ HREF="mod/core.html#errorlog">error logging via syslogd(8)</A>.
+<DT><B>Detaching from stdin/out/err</B>
+<DD>On boot Apache will now detach from stdin, stdout, and stderr. It
+ does not detach from stderr until it has successfully read the
+ config files. So you will see errors in the config file. This
+ should make it easier to start Apache via rsh or crontab.
+<DT><B>Year-2000 Improvements</B>
+<DD>The default <CODE>timefmt</CODE> string used by <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_include.html"><CODE>mod_include</CODE></A> has been
+ modified to display the year using four digits rather than the
+ two-digit format used previously. The <A
+ HREF="mod/mod_autoindex.html"><CODE>mod_autoindex</CODE></A>
+ module has also been modified to display years using four digits
+ in FancyIndexed directory listings.
+<DT><B>Common routines Moving to a Separate Library</B>
+<DD>There are a number of functions and routines that have been
+ developed for the Apache project that supplement or supersede
+ library routines that differ from one operating system to another.
+ While most of these are used only by the Apache server itself,
+ some are referenced by supporting applications (such as
+ <CODE>htdigest</CODE>), and these other applications would fail to
+ build because the routines were built only into the server. These
+ routines are now being migrated to a separate subdirectory and
+ library so they can be used by other applications than just the
+ server. See the <CODE>src/ap/</CODE> subdirectory.
+<DT><B>New <CODE><A HREF="mod/core.html#serversignature">
+ ServerSignature</A></CODE> directive</B>
+<DD>This directive optionally adds a line containing the server
+ version and virtual host name to server-generated pages (error
+ documents, ftp directory listings, mod_info output etc.). This
+ makes it easier for users to tell which server produced the error
+ message, especially in a proxy chain (often found in intranet
+ environments).
+<DT><B>New <CODE><A HREF="mod/core.html#usecanonicalname">
+ UseCanonicalName</A></CODE> directive</B>
+<DD>This directive gives control over how Apache creates
+ self-referential URLs. Previously Apache would always use the <A
+ HREF="mod/core.html#servername"> ServerName</A> and <A
+ HREF="mod/core.html#port">Port</A> directives to construct a
+ "canonical" name for the server. With <CODE>UseCanonicalName
+ off</CODE> Apache will use the hostname and port supplied by the
+ client, if available.
+<DT><B><CODE>SERVER_VERSION</CODE> definition abstracted, and server
+ build date added</B>
+<DD>In earlier versions, the Apache server version was available to
+ modules through the <CODE>#define</CODE>d value for
+ <CODE>SERVER_VERSION</CODE>. In order to keep this value
+ consistent when modules and the core server are compiled at
+ different times, this information is now available through the
+ core API routine <CODE>ap_get_server_version()</CODE>. The use of
+ the <CODE>SERVER_VERSION</CODE> symbol is deprecated. Also,
+ <CODE>ap_get_server_built()</CODE> returns a string representing
+ the time the core server was linked.
+<DT><A HREF="mod/core.html#servertokens"><B>Including the operating
+ system in the server identity</B></A><BR>
+<DD>A new directive, <CODE>ServerTokens</CODE>, allows the Webmaster
+ to change the value of the <CODE>Server</CODE> response header
+ field which is sent back to clients. The
+ <CODE>ServerTokens</CODE> directive controls whether the server
+ will include a non-specific note in the server identity about the
+ type of operating system on which the server is running as well as
+ included module information. As of Apache 1.3, this additional
+ information is included by default.

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