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[ANNOUNCE] libapreq2-2.06-dev Released
libapreq2-2.06-dev Released

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project
are pleased to announce the 2.06-dev release of libapreq2. This
Announcement notes significant changes introduced by this release.

libapreq2-2.06-dev is released under the Apache License
version 2.0. It is now available through the ASF mirrors

and has entered the CPAN as

file: $CPAN/authors/id/J/JO/JOESUF/libapreq2-2.06-dev.tar.gz
size: 711422 bytes
md5: e245db341c4967e0a23b7f767d6486d9

libapreq2 is an APR-based shared library used for parsing HTTP cookies,
query-strings and POST data. This package provides

1) version 2.1.3 of the libapreq2 library,

2) mod_apreq2, a filter module necessary for using libapreq2
within the Apache HTTP Server,

3) the Apache2::Request, Apache2::Cookie, and Apache2::Upload
perl modules for using libapreq2 with mod_perl2.


Changes with libapreq2-2.06-dev (released July 20, 2005)

- C API [Marc GrĂ cia, joes]
Fix apreq_decode(v) when iso-latin-1 chars appear
at the end of an encoded string.

- Perl API [Philip M. Gollucci]
Fix "Attempt to free temp prematurely" error in apreq_xs_croak().

- C API [Philip M. Gollucci]
Add mod_apreq2 to httpd's server tokens.

- Perl API [joes]
Drop support for $req->env(), which also died with 2.05-dev.

- Perl API [joes]
Support for table set/add/delete methods is formally withdrawn.
Technically this feature died with the module API refactoring in

- C API [max]
Right-hand limit of apreq_brigade_move() is declared as "excluding",
but APR_RING_UNSPLICE() wants an "including" right-hand limit. Fixed
this by passing the previous bucket.

- Perl API [joes]
Drop support for Apache2::Request::new's HOOK_DATA.
UPLOAD_HOOK now takes only two arguments: ($upload, $data).

- Perl API [joes]
Drop support for Apache2::Cookie::Jar::new's VALUE_CLASS.
2.05-dev broke that API, and it's not worth trying to fix.
People who need that should use APR::Request::Cookie::Table's
cookie_class() API instead.

- Perl API [joes]
Fix cookie domain/path munging in Apache2::Cookie::new().