Mailing List Archive

[PATCH v1 3/5] tools/ocaml/xenstored: add binary dump format support
Signed-off-by: Edwin Török <>
tools/ocaml/xenstored/ | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
index 51041dde8e..1f9fe9e3b2 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
exception End_of_file

open Stdext
+module LR = Disk.LiveRecord

let xenstore_payload_max = 4096 (* xen/include/public/io/xs_wire.h *)

@@ -77,6 +78,10 @@ let number_of_transactions con =

let get_domain con = con.dom

+let get_id con = match con.dom with
+| None -> 2*LR.domid_invalid + con.anonid
+| Some dom -> 1 + Domain.get_id dom
let anon_id_next = ref 1

let get_domstr con =
@@ -279,6 +284,9 @@ let end_transaction con tid commit =
let get_transaction con tid =
Hashtbl.find con.transactions tid

+let iter_transactions con f =
+ Hashtbl.iter f con.transactions
let do_input con = Xenbus.Xb.input con.xb
let has_input con = Xenbus.Xb.has_in_packet con.xb
let has_partial_input con = match con.xb.Xenbus.Xb.partial_in with
@@ -337,22 +345,45 @@ let incr_ops con = con.stat_nb_ops <- con.stat_nb_ops + 1
let stats con =
Hashtbl.length, con.stat_nb_ops

-let dump con chan =
- let id = match con.dom with
- | Some dom ->
- let domid = Domain.get_id dom in
- (* dump domain *)
- Domain.dump dom chan;
- domid
- | None ->
- let fd = con |> get_fd |> Utils.FD.to_int in
- Printf.fprintf chan "socket,%d\n" fd;
- -fd
- in
- (* dump watches *)
- List.iter (fun (path, token) ->
- Printf.fprintf chan "watch,%d,%s,%s\n" id (Utils.hexify path) (Utils.hexify token)
- ) (list_watches con)
+let serialize_pkt_in buf xb =
+ let open Xenbus.Xb in
+ Queue.iter (fun p -> Buffer.add_string buf (Packet.to_string p)) xb.pkt_in;
+ match xb.partial_in with
+ | NoHdr (to_read, hdrb) ->
+ (* see Xb.input *)
+ let used = Xenbus.Partial.header_size () - to_read in
+ Buffer.add_subbytes buf hdrb 0 used
+ | HaveHdr p ->
+ p |> Packet.of_partialpkt |> Packet.to_string |> Buffer.add_string buf
+let serialize_pkt_out buf xb =
+ let open Xenbus.Xb in
+ Buffer.add_string buf xb.partial_out;
+ Queue.iter (fun p -> Buffer.add_string buf (Packet.to_string p)) xb.pkt_out
+let dump con store chan =
+ let conid = get_id con in
+ let conn = match con.dom with
+ | None -> LR.Socket (get_fd con)
+ | Some dom -> LR.Domain {
+ id = Domain.get_id dom;
+ target = LR.domid_invalid; (* TODO: we do not store this info *)
+ remote_port = Domain.get_remote_port dom
+ } in
+ let pkt_in = Buffer.create 4096 in
+ let pkt_out = Buffer.create 4096 in
+ serialize_pkt_in pkt_in con.xb;
+ serialize_pkt_out pkt_out con.xb;
+ LR.write_connection_data chan ~conid ~conn pkt_in con.xb.partial_out pkt_out;
+ con |> list_watches
+ |> List.rev (* preserve order in dump/reload *)
+ |> List.iter (fun (wpath, token) ->
+ LR.write_watch_data chan ~conid ~wpath ~token
+ );
+ let conpath = get_path con in
+ iter_transactions con (fun _ txn ->
+ Transaction.dump store conpath ~conid txn chan)

let debug con =
let domid = get_domstr con in