Mailing List Archive

rsyslog 3.19.9 (devel) released
Hi all,

Rsyslog 3.19.9, a member of the development branch, has been released.
Documentation on how to setup TLS syslog has been greatly improved.
Also, omusrmsg has been rewritten to utilize rsyslog's threading instead
of forking of children to send the messages. This is expected to also
solve some issues with zombie processes. Finally, an issue with TLS
anonymous mode, which still required client certificates, and a problem
with the RainerScript parser, which did not detect every syntax error,
was solved. This is a recommended update for all development branch



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Florian Riedl

Improving rsyslog is costly, but you can help! We are looking for
organizations that find rsyslog useful and wish to contribute back. You
can contribute by reporting bugs, improve the software, or donate money
or equipment.

Commercial support contracts for rsyslog are available, and they help
finance continued maintenance. Adiscon GmbH, a privately held German
company, is currently funding rsyslog development. We are always looking
for interesting development projects. For details on how to help, please
see .