Mailing List Archive

Progress So Far
I wrote a short synopsis of what I've accomplished thus far:

Syslog-to-SQL with rsyslog-0.8.4 on FreeBSD 5.4

Rsyslog is available from Su to root and install the mysql41-client before installing rsyslog.

Step 1: Configure/Fix Makefile

Line 15: #CFLAGS= $(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) -O3 -DSYSV -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -fno-strength-reduce
Line 16: CFLAGS= $(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) -O3 -DSYSV -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -fno-strength-reduce -DWITH_DB
Line 24: LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient #/var/lib/mysql/mysql

Step 2: Fix syslogd.c

Line 593: #include "/usr/local/include/mysql/mysql.h"
Line 594: #include "/usr/local/include/mysql/errmsg.h"

Step 3: # make install clean

Step 4: Copy/Configure rsyslog.conf

Copy sample.conf to /etc/rsyslog.conf and configure appropriately.

Step 5: Create MySQL table with createDB.sql.

Step 6: Kill syslogd and start rsyslogd.

# kill [pid]
# /usr/sbin/rsyslogd

Step 7: Configure /etc/rc.conf to disable syslogd.

add: syslogd_enable="no"

Step 8: Start rsyslogd at boot-time.

I'm not sure how to do this yet.