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combinations of all rows and cols from a dataframe
Hello everyone,

Given a dataframe like this:

2 6
8 5

I want to yield the following list of lists:
[ [[2],[6,5]],
[[6,5],[2,8]] ]

I have written the following (which doesn't yield the expected results)

import pandas as pd
> from itertools import combinations
> import numpy as np
> resList=[]
> resListTmp=[]
> resListTmp2=[]
> dataframe =
> pd.read_excel("C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\testData.xlsx",index_col=False,header=None)

for i in range(0, len(dataframe)+1):
> for j in range(0, len(dataframe.columns)):
> for k in range (0,len(dataframe)+1):
> for xVals in list(combinations(dataframe.iloc[k:i,j], i)):
> if list(xVals) not in resListTmp:
> resListTmp.append(list(xVals))
> resListTmp2.append(resListTmp)
> resList.append(resListTmp2)
> print(resList)

What is wrong with my code?