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Short character name clashes
Yesterday we briefly discussed on IRC an issue I found with `use
charnames`. If you want to avoid being excessively wordy like with
`\N{HEBREW LETTER ALEF}` you can ask for some nice short
aliases. For example:

use charnames qw(hebrew);
say "\N{alef}";

Hebrew isn't special of course, you can do this for all kinds of
scripts. You can even do it for multiple scripts at the same time:

use charnames qw(greek runic);
say "\N{gamma}";
say "\N{yr}";

But there's a problem. Several scripts have letters with the same name.
Hebrew and Arabic, for example, both have a letter 'alef', so what
happens here?

use charnames qw(arabic hebrew);
say "\N{alef}";

As it happens, you seem to always get HEBREW LETTER ALEF, because
Hebrew's codepoints come before Arabic's. But I think it would be a good
idea to at least warn the user of the potential for confusion like this,
so I've created a pull request:

It's only a preliminary draft and definitely needs work, in particular
the text I've put in the warning itself needs improvement.

David Cantrell