Mailing List Archive

TONYC TPF Grant 15 report 28
[Hours] [Activity]
2021/09/20 Monday
0.20 review github notifications
0.48 #18925 review
0.53 #19142 research and comment
1.15 #19124 more re-work, testing
1.97 #19124 debugging, fixes

2021/09/21 Tuesday
1.45 #19121 testing, review leont’s readdelim branch, work on
integrating it

2021/09/22 Wednesday
2.40 #19147 debugging, work on a fix, add tests, testing,
comment on ticket, open PR
0.68 #19135 review and briefly comment
1.30 #19127 review, research, testing, apply to blead

2021/09/23 Thursday
0.33 #18820 review, research and comment
0.55 #19121 more look into leont’s readdelim, longish comment
0.65 #19149 testing, fail to reproduce, look over historical
gdbm changes and find likely problem
0.73 #19149 install new gdbm locally, try to convince Configure
to use it, finally reproduce in 5.34.0, but not
reproducible in blead, apparently fixed by earlier
GDBM_File changes.

Which I calculate is 12.42 hours.

Approximately 9 tickets were reviewed or worked on, and 1 patches
were applied.