Mailing List Archive

Thoughts on the RFC Process
So far, the process is effectively being defined as:
- Send a query as to whether the RFC would be welcome
- Send the RFC if it's welcome
So I sent the query, made a mess of the first one, did a better job on the second one, and all told, I think the experience was positive. Everyone's learning the process and if there's one thing I would suggest, it's that for "step 1", the responses should be closer to "yes", "no", or "could you explain X further?" Many of the responses were fantastic and asked great questions, but they're getting into details I would expect at the RFC stage.

Obviously, I don't expect simply "yes," "no," "wut?" replies and people will naturally explain their point of view, but it felt like things were getting a touch derailed at times and while I have inferred that an RFC would be welcome, not many came right out and said "yes, I'd like an RFC". Having greater clarity as to yes/no from step one would be useful (or maybe there was great clarity and I don't follow P5P enough), and maybe moderators stepping in to reign in some of the detailed questions and critiques that belong in part 2.

So we will move forward on the assumption that an RFC would be welcome. I don't expect it to be sent immediately because we're trying to be very careful.

As a personal aside, I obviously don't know if the RFC will be approved, or the final project integrated into core, but I really appreciate the thought that P5P put into the responses and the overwhelming show of support from the community has lifted my spirits and will make it easier to push forward on this.
Thank you to everyone.
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