Mailing List Archive

TONYC TPF Grant 15 report 10
[Hours] [Activity]
2021/05/17 Monday
1.75 #18788 report #136523 against IO::Async::File, apply
supplied alt patch against tree, look for similar bugs
2.35 #18788 PR #395 against EU::MM, more look for similar bugs

2021/05/18 Tuesday
0.47 #18788 make PR #18798
2.30 :utf8 debugging and fix, more testing

2021/05/19 Wednesday
1.70 :utf8 code re-check
2.40 :utf8 test for possible bug, debugging

2021/05/20 Thursday
1.23 :utf8 debugging, find a related bug and fix (but a test
fails, probably broken test)
1.78 :utf8 more code review

Which I calculate is 13.98 hours.

Approximately 1 tickets were reviewed or worked on, and 1 patches
were applied.