Mailing List Archive

Ready for ntopng 3.2 ?
Hi all,
we have recently made a few changes in the the ntopng engine. In particular
- when you have multiple interfaces they are handled currently at minute/5min….. this to avoid “script not completed within X mins”
- we have refactored the code so that the GUI won’t need to load all/many hosts in memory (and in big setups this means a lot of data). Result: less memory used, faster ntopng
- reworked alerts to make them fast

We are currently finishing some final tasks such as minifying JS to save time/bandwidth during data transfer.

This is to say that we need you help testing the new ntopng. Please download the new ntopng an file tickets on github so we can close them by the time we’ll release 3.2 scheduled (hopefully) for next week

Thanks you Luca
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