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Brocade VDX6720-60 " [HAM-1009], 16303, FFDC, CRITICAL, VDX6720-60"
I have the following error any help will be appreciated.

ERROR, VDX6720-60, Switch set to faulty, rc=20015. If we try to run any other command we get this error: VDX6720# show license %INFO : This command is not yet available. Please try again after sometime. Within about 5 minutes of being running, the switch outputs for itself the following errors to the console (...): 2016/01/16-06:25:32, [HAM-1009], 16303, FFDC, CRITICAL, VDX6720-60, Need to MANUALLY REBOOT the system for recovery - auto-reboot is disabled


Carlos Alfaro Tech / Sales Support

Townsend Networks

35 Reed Blvd., Suite A Mill Valley, CA 94941

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