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Important Notice on upgrade of MariaDB to 10.5.1
Some History:
In `MariaDB 10.1.2` a new temporal format was introduced from `MySQL 5.6`
that alters how the `TIME`, `DATETIME` and `TIMESTAMP` columns operate at
lower levels.
These changes allow these temporal data types to have fractional parts and
negative values.
You can disable this feature using the mysql56_temporal_format system

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'mysql56_temporal_format';
| Variable_name | Value |
| mysql56_temporal_format | ON |


Starting from `MariaDB 10.5.1` columns with old temporal formats are marked
with a
`/* mariadb-5.3 */` comment in the output of `SHOW CREATE TABLE`, `SHOW
`DESCRIBE` statements, as well as in the `COLUMN_TYPE` column of the

Details on

This change causes the MythTV python bindings to fail, because the
`datetime,` `timestamp` and `time` types are not correctly detected and not
converted from UTC to the local time.

See github issue #384

Please check your installation by
MariaDB [mythconverg]> describe program;

| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default
| Extra |
| ..... | | | |
| |
| starttime | datetime /* mariadb-5.3 */ | NO | PRI | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 | |
| ..... | | | |
| |

If so, could you please test the patch v2 attached to #384 and report back?

I am curious if this also happens, if I do a fresh install and apply a
database backup made by MariaDB 10.3 afterwards.
I will test this over the weekend.

Thank you,