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Execute()'d .epl ignoring $http_headers_out
Dear Embperl hackers,
I've written a filter to change some aspects of my Embperl-generated HTML
before it's sent back to the client.

Instead of going with the filehandle chaining trick described in the Eagle
book, I implemented the filter as a content handler which calls into
Embperl. (Pardon me if this is the wrong way to do it, I'm maintaining a
very old code base and adapting it as well as I can.)

In the handler I run the basic Execute:

inputfile => $embperl_file,
output => \$embperl_output,
mtime => time()

This is running under Apache 2.2 and mod_perl 2. I found that
$http_headers_out assignments contained in $embperl_file are now ignored. I
don't know if the handler itself clobbers the req_rec headers, or why
they're ignored. Any ideas on how I could run Embperl from within a handler
and still have the special variables work? I'm guessing %udat and %mdat are
also broken? OR should they all work normally? Any pointers greatly
appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.