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TermPositions (Lucene 3.3) replacement?
I'm porting a piece of code that uses TermPositions of Lucene 3.3 to 8.9. reads:


TermPositions is renamed to DocsAndPositionsEnum, and no longer extends the
docs only enumerator (DocsEnum).

But DocsAndPositionsEnum doesn't exist in 8.9 either. There is no mention of
removal of DocsAndPositionsEnum in any of MIGRATE.html files.

Is there a recommended way to replace TermPositions? Here is the code I am
trying to port to give you a context:

private void calculateScores() throws IOException { // initialize buffers
FixedBitSet docPointers = new FixedBitSet(reader.maxDoc()); List<Term>
uniqueTerms = new LinkedList<>(new LinkedHashSet<>(terms)); uniqueTermSize =
uniqueTerms.size(); this.roughThresholdFreq = (int) (uniqueTermSize *
ROUGH_CUTOFF); for (Iterator<Term> iter = uniqueTerms.iterator();
iter.hasNext();) { try (TermPositions tp = reader.termPositions( {
while ( { int f = scoredDocs.adjustOrPutValue(tp.doc(), 1, 1); if (f >
roughThresholdFreq) { docPointers.fastSet(tp.doc()); } } } } if
(docPointers.cardinality() > 0) { docPointerIterator = (FixedBitSetIterator)
docPointers.iterator(); } }

Re: TermPositions (Lucene 3.3) replacement? [ In reply to ]

What you probably want is `TermsEnum.postings(PostingsEnum reuse, int
flags)`, with `PostingsEnum.POSITIONS` in the flags.

I'd also recommend using the `TermsEnum` to iterate the terms instead
of using your own loop, as working with postings works better if you


On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 03:11, TK Solr <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm porting a piece of code that uses TermPositions of Lucene 3.3 to 8.9.
> reads:
> *
> TermPositions is renamed to DocsAndPositionsEnum, and no longer extends the
> docs only enumerator (DocsEnum).
> But DocsAndPositionsEnum doesn't exist in 8.9 either. There is no mention of
> removal of DocsAndPositionsEnum in any of MIGRATE.html files.
> Is there a recommended way to replace TermPositions? Here is the code I am
> trying to port to give you a context:
> private void calculateScores() throws IOException { // initialize buffers
> FixedBitSet docPointers = new FixedBitSet(reader.maxDoc()); List<Term>
> uniqueTerms = new LinkedList<>(new LinkedHashSet<>(terms)); uniqueTermSize =
> uniqueTerms.size(); this.roughThresholdFreq = (int) (uniqueTermSize *
> ROUGH_CUTOFF); for (Iterator<Term> iter = uniqueTerms.iterator();
> iter.hasNext();) { try (TermPositions tp = reader.termPositions( {
> while ( { int f = scoredDocs.adjustOrPutValue(tp.doc(), 1, 1); if (f >
> roughThresholdFreq) { docPointers.fastSet(tp.doc()); } } } } if
> (docPointers.cardinality() > 0) { docPointerIterator = (FixedBitSetIterator)
> docPointers.iterator(); } }
> TK

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