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Usage of score() in Own Query Implementation
Hello there!

I'm currently developing a new kind of query via Elasticsearch (but this
question is about the Lucene part). I have an issue when it comes to

Here's what I did: I have a new kind of Query, called
"CommutingQuantumQuery" (short: CQQuery). I also have two classes
"CommutingQuantumWeight" (CQWeight) and "CommutingQuantumScorer" (CQScorer).
In my CQQuery, there exists a logical formula, connecting several other
queries (e.g. TermQueries). What I'm trying to do is the following: In my
CQWeight object, I have a bunch of other Weight objects stored in an array
"conditionWeights" which are also available in my CQScorer class.

Now, I "just" want to get the scores from the respective query for some
document. Thus, in CQScorer's score() method, I tried "conditionScores[i] =
this.conditionWeights[i].scorer(this.context).score();" to retrieve a
sub-Query's Weight's respective scorer, then let it compute its score and
then return it to me (the LeafReaderContext "this.context" is taken from the
parent Weight object).

Although, when I try running this approach, the following error appears:

"Cannot invoke "" because the return
value of
ntext)" is null"

I think there is something I missed to do to even produce some scores.
Because when I output the score() values, they are always "0.0". I read that
the "search()" method in IndexSearcher might be important, but I have no
clue on when and how to use it in my context. Does anybody have an idea what
I could try?

Thank you so much already!
