Mailing List Archive

"where are the archives" - RE: Lucene and the numbers (again!)
At times these seem out of date.
The most recent one on the dev list seems to be Nov 4.
Time warp?

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven J. Owens []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 11:07 AM
To: Lucene Users List; David Bonilla
Subject: Re: Lucene and the numbers (again!)


> Yeah I know that i?m not very original and maybe the FAQ can resolve
> my problems but I didn?t find any real help there. Ok... here we go:

This is indeed a FAQ, and it also comes up often on the list, if
you check the archives.

Come to think of it, where *are* the archives now? I'm looking
at and I don't see the more recent
(post-move-to-jakarta) postings there. The archive seems to end on
October 5th. Are we using a new archive now? Are the messages from
the old archive there?

> The problem is... I have a J2EE application working with LUCENE and
> the basic searching works properly but when I try to use a query
> with a number, Lucene gives me back all my indexed documents and I
> don?t understand why.
> I?m using the SimpleAnalyzer. If I have for example a document with
> a field named "name". How can I search for example a name like '456'?

If you look into... hm, well, I was going to say if you look into
the API docs, but it's not that simple. I remember somebody in the
past saying (on this list) to simply use StandardAnalyzer instead of
StopAnalyzer. I don't know if this works (I'll have to take time
later this afternoon and check the source code - this is one of the
things that's been on my to-do list for a month or so, but I've been
preoccupied with other areas of my project).

I guess I should note the following details:

StandardAnalyzer is not listed in the "Package
org.apache.lucene.analysis" page of the API docs (from the
lucene-1.2-rc2 checkout), just SimpleAnalyzer and StopAnalyzer.

When I track down the API docs for StandardAnalyzer and compare them,
neither StandardAnalyzer or StopAnalyzer says anything about numbers.

Nor do StandardFilter or StopFilter mention numbers.

Searching for "numeric" turns up nothing, searching for "number" turns

"27. How does Lucene handle numbers and special characters ?

This depends of the analyzer you are using for indexing an searching."

I checked out the Lucene FAQ source in the past,with the intent
of going through it and checking for typos, etc, as a good way to
force myself to read it all as well as contributing something back to
Lucene. I think that was from the pre-jakarta days, I should probably
get a fresh, jakarta-based checkout. Is all of that stuff still in
the "website" checkout?

Steven J. Owens

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