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Re: [JENKINS] Lucene-main-Linux (64bit/jdk-17.0.3) - Build # 38480 - Failure!
Hi Karl,

I fixed the boxing issue errorprone has been complaining about after your
recent commits. Some of those validation checks (errorprone) are slow(er)
and run only on the CI (github and jenkins) so a local gradle check may not
find them all.

Also, is there any reference to the problem your commits are trying to
solve (issue number)? They just appear on the main branch without a
reference - it'll be difficult to backport them to 9x, should such backport
be needed.

I'd encourage you again to create a pull request on github (off the branch
you're working on) - makes life so much easier for everyone involved (runs
full CI checks, allows others to comment, preserves the history of commits
for that particular issue as a branch/diff).


On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 7:32 AM Policeman Jenkins Server <> wrote:

> Build:
> Java: 64bit/jdk-17.0.3 -XX:-UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseParallelGC
> All tests passed
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