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pattern capture token filter code
I am currently making some changes in the default pattern capture group
token filter code to meet my requirement. I am a beginner in JAVA so
finding it a bit hard to fully understand the code and make changes, I have
successfully done my changes in the increment token() method and got the
desired result as per my requirement. But, currently I am stuck while
making changes in the preserve original part of the code.

I only want help regarding understanding the following code and rest I will
do the changes myself. Can anyone please help in understanding the working
of this code like what is happening here?

if (preserveOriginal) {
currentMatcher = 0;
// offsetAtt.setOffset(222, 333);
// offsetAtt.setOffset(offsetAtt.startOffset() ,
} else if (nextCapture()) {
final int start = matchers[currentMatcher]
final int end = matchers[currentMatcher]

// if we start at 0 we can simply set the length and save the copy
if (start == 0) {
} else {
charTermAttr.copyBuffer(spare.chars(), start, end - start);

Link to the entire code file is:

Link to the functionality that I'm trying to achieve:

Any help will be very useful.
